THINK & ACT From Henri-Louis Bergson |
![]() Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought. |
Today's Inspiration (0712)
Birthday Present
This afternoon I received birthday present from a friend. Adenita, she gave me such wonderful gift. I was touched. Not only had I rarely got attention as well, but actually I really got fine thing. It's three booklets on surah of Al-Qurán: Luqman, Ar-Rohman, Al-Waqiáh. And the best part of all; I have such a wonderful best friend.
Today's Inspiration (0711)
THINK From George Jean Nathan |
![]() No man can think clearly when his fists are clenched. |
short massage service
- Rasul bersabda, tidak bergeser kaki seorang hamba kelak kecuali bila telah ditanya tentang lima hal. Di antaranya: masa mudanya dihabiskan untuk apa dan tentang dakwah Rasul, bagaimana dia menyambutnya. Kak Ilham ikut kajian donk!
- Di surga itu ada bidadari. Bidadari yang paling rendah tingkatannya dapat membuat kita lupa dengan wanita yang tercantik di bumi, dan bidadari yang paling tinggi tingkatannya dapat membuat kita lupa dengan bidadari yang lain. Dialah bidadari bermata jeli.
Shobar (Patience)
Sholat Jumát there was a good choice, actually. Khutbah (sermon) I heard was so impressive. It was given by Ustadz Fatah. The khutbah as if turned down the heat of that day. He talked about Shobar (patience).
I concluded the khutbah:
Shobar, in addition to sholat, are consolations for a Muslim. So, it’s important to understand both of those. Shobar consist by two components, those are shobar itself and syukur (gratefulness). And, it is not easy to get a predicate as ash-shobirin (person who has patience). There’s so many people look patience but they are not. Someone can be said as ash-shobirin if he is able to be patience for three things: be patience for the obligation, for prohibition that Allah plots on him, and be patience for the fate that Allah plots on him.
Reflecting on the khutbah, I feel still far from shobar characteristic. O Allah, please favor me Thy guidance….
Bima dan Kearifannya (Bimanese Wisdom)
Di Bima inilah saya kembali bersahabat dengan akar saya. Inilah daerah yang menjadi tanah kelahiran keduaorangtua saya. Saya merasa nyaman di sana walaupun udara terik yang membakar. Bima memang tidak sesubur Lombok, tempat rumah kami berada.
Daerah yang panas mungkin telah menciptakan orang bima sebagai manusia berkarakter keras. Akan tetapi kearifan mereka juga mengagumkan. Tulisan ini bukan bermaksud memuji suku sendiri sebab saya sendiri percaya bahwa bumi Indonesia ini penuh dengan berjuta kearifan-kearifan yang mengagumkan. Dan saya melihat satu bagian kecil dari harta bangsa ini di akar saya.
Kasus pertama
Saudara sepupu merayakan resepsi pernikahannya. Pagi-pagi saya datang ke tempat acara akan diadakan. Wow, kesibukan luar biasa ada di sana. Yang saya herankan adalah undangan buat acara nanti sore ternyata baru akan disebar menjelang siang. Undanganpun sangat sederhana, yaitu dengan kertas HVS A4 berwarna kuning yang difotokopi. Saya sempat sangsi bahwa acara akan ramai, namun ternyata dugaan itu meleset.
Terlepas bahwa, ini adalah acara yang dilaksanakan di sebuah desa kecil, saya katakana ini luar biasa. Entah waktu yang berjalan lambat di sini atau memang setiap orang merasa terpanggil untuk memeriahkan acara sehingga dfemikian banyak yang hadir. Bahkan undanganpun hanya formalitas, karena semua sudah berkontribusi sejak awal dalam acara tersebut.
Acaranya sendiri di adakan di tempat yang agak aneh: di atas sawah kering. Tetapi ini unik sekali karena pelaminan dilatari oleh kebun bambu, sementara di hadapan pelaminan sawah membentang luas sejauh mata memandang dan terlihat tegar gunung-gunung seolah menjadi batas antara bumi dan langit. Ternyata tidak perlu gedung yang hebat untuk membuat acara yang indah semacam ini.
Kasus Kedua
Saudara sepupu dua tingkat menikah. Pernikahan ini bertempat di kabupaten sebelah, Dompu. Bayangkan hamper satu desa pergi ke sana dengan menyewa empat buah bis. Saya sendiri pergi memakai motor bersama Paman. Kami bergantian membawa motor. Perjalanan menuju kabupaten Dompu, buat saya, bukan perjalanan mudah. Jalannya berkelo-kelok karena mengikuti kontur bukit dan lembah. Saya melewati hutan, tanah kosong, sawah, dan jurang. Saya harus berhati-hati sekali membawa motor karena tidak terbiasa dengan medannya. Apalagi jalur itu biasanya dilewati bus-bus antar kota.
Saya merasa kagum dengan semangat persaudaraan yang begitu kental sehingga hamper semua orang ingi datang ke pernikahan sepupu saya itu. Perjalanan yang sulit ditambah berdesakan bukan perkara yang menyenangkan. Kapasitas tiap bus jauh terlewati. Sebenarnya ini sangat berbahaya. Mudah-mudahan spirit kebersamaan itu bisa terjaga, namun dengan cara yang lebih aman. Menurut saya, tidak benar juga sesuatu yang baik ditempuh dengan cara yang berbahaya atau melanggar kaidah, hehehe…
Kasus Ketiga
Saya memperhatikan bahwa kebiasaan memanggil orang lain dengan sebutan sebagai anggota keluarga masih bertahan di sana, bahkan walaupun orang yang diajak berbicara sama sekali tidak dikenal. “Wahai ananda,” atau “wahai adinda,” atau wahai bibinda,” atau yang sejenisnya kerap terdengar di telinga saya (yang bertanda kutip terjemahannya saja, sapaan yang asli tentu memakai bahasa Bima)
Kasus Keempat
Ngobrol asyik pun kerap terjadi antara orang yang sama sekali tidak dikenal. Seseorang dengan tiba-tiba bisa nimbrung dalam sebuah pembicaraan untuk memberikan pandangannya. Ini terjadi di kendaraan-kendaraan umum, toko-toko, atau pasar, sawah, atau tempat lainnya. Keramahan yang indah.
Bahkan suatu ketika ketika saya kemalaman dalam perjalanan menuju Bima, beberapa tahun yang lalu, saya diantar dengan selamat oleh seorang pemuda yang tidak saya kenal sama sekali sebelumnya. Ah saya merasa beruntung bisa menjadi orang Bima.
Mudik (Went Home)
I arrived by flight from Jakarta. At home, I hugged my mother in a straight line. She looked so happy. However, her faced changed surprised when she’d known that I had metacarpal fracture. Ah…, she always be the first one that’s concerned about me most. Maybe that the reason I postponed to tell her about my accident.
I met my father in the afternoon. He’d just arrived from Manado. He showed similar surprised as Mom did. However I could make them sure that I was okay. I little bit felt guilty for my accident.
For two days, I completely did nothing. I was prohibited to do things because of my hand condition. I feel sad as my mom did the whole household things and I just could see. Finally, my little brother and little sister came the next two days. They went home by flight from Surabaya. It meant that there were people who’d help mom.
For several next days, there was a lot story that we shared between us: Dad, Mom, I, my brother, and sister. How they really love me, I could feel it. There were nice meeting with my friends. Our classic story never gets old to be told again and again. There was a beauty of wisdom of earlier period of Bimanese people: I will type it down later.
Going home always becomes a great moment for me. At that place I can contemplate myself deeply.
Metacarpal Fracture
That night (30/9) was a lucky night. At that night I got an accident: metacarpal fracture. I was invited to join futsal game by my friends. I accepted it. Moreover, there was a plan to surprise two people of us who celebrated their birthday.
We arrived at the location, and played such fun game. However, then, when I was dribbling the ball suddenly there were two large body attacked me. I was flung to the wall. I felt pain in my hand. I thought I got sprained. When I went away the game, I realize that the anatomy of my right hand changed. My ring finger looked as it sunken. My friends give several treatments as first aid.
The next day, I took my Rontgen photograph and I found that I got fracture at metacarpal. Then I went to a doctor to take next treatment. The accident forced me to go home on Lebaran holiday in condition my hand bandaged.
By the way, metacarpals are the continuous of phalanges. And I said that’s a kind of luck; since I don’t know was the accident a gift or calamities. It’s better to be positive thinking, right?
Anger and my Romadhon
This fasting month is really special for me. It becomes special not because significant changing on praying, though even decrement that I feel. How sad… :(
The reason why this romadhon is so special is the time for me to reflect myself. I have been tested through my passion since so many thing I feel so wrong. And even worse, those come from my environment, my friend. I have been mad. Not to them, but myself. I mad because I cannot do anything to make it right.
Let me tell several stories that amend my mood to the bottom…
- On a meeting, suddenly, my friend asked the aim of our event since her did know nothing about it. She asked why we just talked about technical not the conception. God, I almost blasted into mad. I think her questions didn’t make sense. It’s natural she didn’t know after she had not even got involve with us several time before. She among us, but what she did just playing around, talked around, or laughing around. She didn’t ask, even. Thank God, people there patient enough to explain her.
- Several friends in our discussion kept shouting dirty jokes, ghibah, and laughing at people. I don’t understand, how come this habit even worse in this time. Time that we should be doing something best (it’s romadhon, right?). And I exploded; I got mad and told to them. I hope they can accept my words and change.
- One of my friends broke his promise. Bad, he didn’t ask apologize and even make excuses.
Ah, how hard this romadhon. But several experiences I had just enrich me about life. I can reflect myself from someone else’s attitude.
You cannot give something if you don’t have it.
When you get mad at someone, it may tell you are just alike him.
Rileks' Gathering (in Fasting Month)
The idea of this gathering appeared three weeks before fasting month between me, Riesa (rie~star), Muthe (parz), Danze (danze), Bhas (Mr. Bhass), Dita (bajajpinky), and Eddy (eddy). We thought that it’s necessary to gathered again and Romadhon is the best moment to make it true. Days later, it’s decided Dita to lead this event and I as treasurer. Three weeks we worked: collect money, order the meals and drinks, arrange the rundown, etc. Thanks God, each people contributed well.
And, amazingly, the participants of this event just exceeded my expectation. More than 80 people came by and embellished the divine afternoon, even though several people canceled their coming. The atmosphere felt warm between us. Several members told their trace of this gathering. Someone said Rileks is his new family. Another one spoke Rileks is place that he could really relax. It’s great, wasn’t it?
My God, it is a great grateful to you for exceptional afternoon we spent today and hope You always lead us to straight path.
For the lust of lessons, I’d decided to take part
I’ve seen incredible extraordinary people
You all burnt my spirit to give
Better than my best
Since I saw
Bright reflection within myself
By your verbal, whim, and expression
Though we’d just met
Though for a flash flicker
I felt knowing you for eons
You’ve been coming
To complete my journey of being
For that whole things
Thank you…
[Dedicated to 97 members and facilitators team of SIAWARE 12]
Gurindam Duabelas
Karya Raja Ali Haji
Persimpangan yang indah-indah
Yaitulah ilmu yang membei faedah
Aku hendak bertutur
Akan gurindam yang beratur
Barangsiapa tiada memegang agama
Sekali-kali tiada boleh dibilangkan nama
Barangsiapa mengenal yang empat
Maka ia itulah orang yang ma'rifat
Barangsiapa mengenal Allah
Suruh dan tegahnya tiada ia menyalah
Barangsiapa mengenal diri
Maka telah mengenal akan Tuhan Yang Bahri
Barangsiapa mengenal dunia
Tahulah ia barang yang terpedaya
Barangsiapa mengenal akhirat
Tahulah ia dunia mudharat
Barangsiapa yang mengenal tersebut
Tahulah ia makna takut
Barangsiapa meninggalkan sembahyang
Seperti rumah tiada bertiang
Barangsiapa meninggalkan puasa
Tidaklah mendapat dua termasya
Barangsiapa meninggalkan zakat
Tiadalah hartanya beroleh berkat
Barangsiapa meninggalkan haji
Tiadalah ia menyempurnakan janji
Apabila terpelihara mata
Sedikitlah cita-cita
Apabila terpelihara kuping
Khabar yang jatuh tiadalah damping
Apabila terpelihara lidah
Niscaya dapat daripadanya faedah
Bersungguh-sungguh engkau memeliharakan tangan
Daripada segala berat dan ringan
Apabila perut terlalu penuh
Keluarlah fiil yang tiada senonoh
Anggota tengah hendaklah ingat
Di situlah banyak orang yang hilangsemangat
Hendaklah peliharakan kaki
Daripada berjalan membawa rugi
Hati itu kerajaan di dalam tubuh
Jikalau zalim segala anggota pun rubuh
Apabila dengki sudah bertanah
Datanglah daripadanya beberapa anak panah
Mengumpat dan memuji hendaklah pikir
Di situlah banyak orang yang tergelincir
Pekerjaan marah jangan dibela
Nanti hilang akal di kepala
Jika sedikit pun berbuat bohong
Boleh diumpamakan mulutnya itu pekung
Tanda orang yang amat celaka
Aib dirinya tiada ia sangka
Bakhil jangan diberi singgah
Itulah perompak yang amat gagah
Barangsiapa yang sudah besar
Janganlah kelakuannya membaut kasar
Barangsiapa perkataan kotor
Mulutnya itu umpama ketor
Di mana tahu salah diri
Jika tidak orang lain yang berperi
Pekerjaan ta'bur jangan direpih
Sebelum mati didapat juga sepih
Jika hendak mengenal orang berbangsa
Lihat kepada budi dan bahasa
Jika hendak mengenal orang yang berbahagia
Sangat memeliharakan yang sia-sia
Jika hendak mengenal orang mulia
Lihat kepada kelakuan dia
Jika hendak mengenal orang yang berilmu
Bertanya dan belajar tiadalah jemu
Jika hendak mengenal orang yang berakal
Di dalam dunia mengambil bekal
Jika hendak mengenal orang yang baik perangai
Lihat pada ketika bercampur dengan orang ramai
Cahari olehmu akan sahabat
Yang boleh dijadikan obat
cahari olehmu akan guru
Yang boleh tahukan tiap seteru
Cahari olehmu akan isteri
Yang boleh menyerahkan diri
Cahari olehmu akan kawan
Pilih segala orang yang setiawan
cahari olehmu akan abdi
Yang ada baik sedikit budi
Apabila banyak berkata-kata
Di situlah jalan masuk dusta
Apabila banyak berlebih-lebihan suka
Itulah tanda mimpikan duka
Apabila kurang siasat
Itulah tanda pekerjaan hendak sesat
Apabila anak tidak dilatih
Jika besar bapanya letih
Apabila banyak mencela orang
Itulah tanda dirinya kubang
Apabila orang yang banyak tidur
Sia-sia sahajalah umur
Apabila mendengar akan khabar
Menerimanya itu hendaklah sabar
Apabila mendengar akan aduan
Membicarakannya itu hendaklah cemburuan
Apabila perkataan yang lemah lembut
Lekaslah segala orang mengikut
Apabila perkataan yang amat kasar
Lekaslah orang sekalian gusar
Apabial pekerjaan yang amat benar
Tidak boleh orang berbuat honar
Barangsiapa khianat akan dirinya
Apalagi kepada lainnya
Kepada dirinya ia aniaya
Orang itu jangan engkau percaya
Lidah yang suka membenarkan dirinya
Daripada yang lain dapat kesalahannya
Daripada memuji diri hendaklah sabar
Biar daripada orang datangnya khabar
Orang yang suka menampakkan jasa
Setengah daripada syirik mengaku kuasa
Kejahatan diri sembunyikan
Kebajikan diri diamkan
Keaiban orang jangan dibuka
Keaiban diri hendaklah sangka
Tahu pekerjaan tak baik tetapi dikerjakan
Bukannya manusia yaitulah syaitan
Kejahatan seorang perempuan tua
Itulah iblis punya penggawa
Kepada segala hamba raja-raja
Di situlah syaitan tempatnya manja
Kebanyakan orang yang muda-muda
Di situlah syaitan tempat bergoda
Perkumpulan laki-laki dengan perempuan
Di situlah syaitan punya jamuan
Adapun orang tua yang hemat
Syaitan tak suka membuat sahabat
Jika orang muda kuat berguru
Dengan syaitan jadi seteru
Dengan bapa jangan durhaka
Supaya Allah tiada murka
Dengan ibu hendaklah hormat
Supaya badan dapat selamat
Dengan anak janganlah lalai
supaya boleh naik ke tengah balai
Dengan isteri janganlah alpa
Supaya malu janagn menerpa
Dengan kawan hendaklah adil
Supaya tangannya jadi kapil
Hendaklah berjasa
Kepada yang sebangsa
Hendaklah jadi kepala
Buang perangai yang cela
Hendaklah memegang amanat
Buanglah khianat
Hendak marah
Dahulukan hujah
Hendak dimalui
Jangan melalui
Hendak ramai
Murahkan perangai
Raja muafakat dengan menteri
Seperti kebun berpagarkan duri
Betul hati kepada raja
Tanda jadi sebarang kerja
Hukum adil atas rakyat
Tand raja beroleh inayat
Kasihkan orang yang berilmu
Tanda rahmat atas dirimu
Hormat akan orang yang pandai
Tanda mengenal kasa dan cindai
Ingatkan dirinya mati
Itulah asal berbuat bakti
Akhirat itu terlalu nyata
Kepada hati yang tidak buta
Fasilitator Batam (Facilitator in Batam)
Saya seolah-olah bercermin dengan segala hal yang ditampilkan peserta. Totalitas sekaligus penolakan merupakan sesuatu yang saya lihat dari wajah-wajah peserta, dan sungguh fase-fase itu juga pernah saya alami. Menjadi kontributor sekaligus pembangkang merupakan warna yang saya lihat dalam ruangan training, dan sungguh itu juga adalah bagian dari lembaran hidup saya. Dalam rupa ragam tingkah yang ditampilakan, saya senatiasa belajar tentang diri saya sendiri.
Terkadang saya merasa lucu dan juga malu. Bahwasanya saya telah menjalani training serupa dua tahun yang lalu. Pun beberapa kali saya telah menjadi fasilitator. Banyak yang berubah, namun sungguh masih lebih banyak yang harus dibenahi dalam diri. Saya sungguh bersyukur bahwa sahabat-sahabat baru yang saya temui di Poltek Batam ini telah mengajarkan saya untuk memenuhi kontrak saya. Mereka bukan sekedar sahabat. Mereka guru. Terimakasih.
Tandang ke Kepri (Went to Kepri)
Baiklah, untuk bagian pertama, saya akan menuliskan pengalaman saya bertandang ke Kepulauan Riau beberapa waktu yang lalu. Perjalanan ini sungguh menarik karena saya melihat suatu keragaman yang begitu mengagumkan dari pulau-pulau yang saya kunjungi.
Pada bulan Mei yang lalu saya ditawari oleh Ibu Linda untuk menjadi fasilitator dalam training yang ditanganinya untuk mahasiswa Poltek Batam. Saya menerima tawaran itu sehingga di akhir Agustus saya terbang menuju Batam. Awalnya, pada tanggal 27 Agustus saya berangkat ke Jakarta bersama fasilitator yang lain: Chendy, Andik, dan Wibi. Kami menginap satu malam di tempat Ibu Linda dan ternyata sudah ada Mas Enang di sana yang juga akan menjadi fasilitator dalam training tersebut. Keesokan paginya bergabung dengan fasilitator lain (Dodi, Mbak Yayuk, dan Mbak Erni) di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta. Sekitar pk. 7.30 kami diangkut AirAsia menuju Batam.
Pertama kali menginjak Batam, saya mendapat kesan bahwa pulau ini cukup subur walaupun panas. Akan tetapi, dugaan saya sama sekali salah sebab di luar Bandara Hang nadim saya melihat kondisi bentang alam Batam yang sesungguhnya. Tanah batam tidak dapat dikatakan subur, berwarna merah dan cenderung bercadas. Ketika hujan, terlihat jelas bagaimana air sangat sulit menyusup ke dalam tanah. Udara pantai yang panas dan asin teraromai sangat kuat. Kondisi seperti ini mengingatkan saya akan tanah kelahiran di Nusa Tenggara Barat yang juga berudara pantai.
Satu hal yang saya lihat dari Batam adalah pembangunan fisik yang terlihat sangat masif di setiap sisi pulau ini. Tampaknya ini konsekuensi dari statusnya sebagai daerah kawasan industry yang secara geografis sangat dekat dengan Singapura. Pembangunan yang cukup pesat dan janji hidup yang lebih baik di sana telah mendorong orang-orang datang ke pulau ini. Saya cukup terkejut mendapati bahwa suasana Melayu di daerah ini nyaris tidak ada. Pluralitas telah menjadi warna di sana. Orang pertama yang saya temui justru berdialek Jawa Tengah yang kental. Beberapa yang saya temui juga berlogat yang bukan Melayu. Ada yang Jawa, Palembang, Batak atau Padang.
Sehari kemudian setelah tiba di Batam, kami disibukkan oleh training selama dua hari (29-30/8) yang cukup menguras energi namun sangat menyenangkan. Cerita tentang training ini akan saya ceritakan dalam kesempatan lain saja. Yang pasti dari training itu saya melihat betapa daerah ini telah mendidik manusianya menjadi pejuang lebih dari yang saya bayangkan sebelumnya.
Pasca training (31/8), saya dan tim fasilitator yang saya sebut tadi mengadakan perjalanan ke pulau-pulau di sekitar Batam. Dari yang saya sebut sebelumnya ada tambahan orang dalam perjalanan kami ini, yaitu Bang Lendi, Kak Ira, Putri, Pak Arief, Mbak XXX (lupa namaya :-P), dan Yoli. Pulau pertama yang kami tandangi adalah Bintan dimana ibukota Kepri, Tanjung Pinang, berada di pulau ini.
Tanjung Pinang memberi gambaran awal yang cukup menarik tentang budaya Melayu. Kebetulan hari itu adalah hari Jumát. Saya melihat pria-pria yang bergegas menuju masjid dengan tampilah yang sangat berbeda dengan yang saya temui di tempat lain. Mereka memakai pakaian tradisioanal (baju dan celana) berwarna cerah seperti kuning dan merah muda. Sarung khas dipakai hanya menutupi hingga sebatas lutut. Saya senang sekali melihat pemandangan ini. Tapi yang berkesan dari kunjungan ini sebenarnya adalah menikmati kuliner di sini. Untuk pertama kalinya saya merasakan makanan yang bernama mi lender. Ini adalah mi telor dengan siraman kuah tertentu berwarna coklat yang sepertinya dengan bahan dasar kacang. (Agak lupa pastinya.) Sorenya (setelah berkunjung ke Pulau Penyengat dan Senggarang) kami menikmati makanan laut di daerah Batu Licin. Tempatnya sangat jauh tapi citarasa yang disajikan membuat semua kesulitan yang terasa untuk mencapai daerah ini terobati. Kepiting-kepiting yang disajikan besar-besar, udang goring tepungnya juga nikmat.
Suasana Melayu lebih kental terasa di Pulau Penyengat. Dari segi arsitektur kita bisa menyaksikan masjid bersejarah peninggalan Kerajaan Melayu. Masjid tersebut konon dilapisi kulit telur pada bagian kubah sehingga seringkali dinamakan masjid telur. Warnanya yang kuning cerah sangat menarik mata. Ada cerita bahwa barang siapa yang berdoa dengan khusyu’ di masjid ini dia boleh jadi didatangi oleh Orang Bunian yang akan menjawab pertanyaan orang tersebut setelah selesai berdoa/sholat di sana. Orang Bunian adalah penduduk asli pulau tersebut. Saya sendiri tidak terpengaruh dengan cerita-cerita semacam itu. Pokoknya sholat yang khusyu’ saja sembari menikmati keindahan arsitektur masjid tersebut. Satu hal lagi yang menarik adalah terdapatnya mushaf Al-Qurán dari abad pertengahan yang bergaya Turki. Mushaf al-Qurán ini meniadakan sejumlah tanda baca di dalamnya demi setiap orang punya penafsiran sendiri tentan apa yang dibacanya dalam gaya penulisan semacam itu. Terlepas dari benar tidaknya, tetap saja kitab tersebut adalah asset yang berharga. Sayang sekali bagian dalam masjid dan mushaf itu tidak boleh difoto.
Sholat Jumát yang saya lakukan di tempat ini memberi saya pengalaman baru. Terdapat beberapa prosesi yang tampaknya dibawa sejak jaman kerajaan dulu. Khutbah dilakukan oleh khatib dengan memegang suatu tongkat logam (mungkin dari kuningan). Di sini khatib tidak otomatis sebagai imam Sholat Jumát. Perempuan dijinkan juga untuk ikut sholat Jumát. Tempat perempuan adalah semacam panggung berkerangka.
Perjalanan di penyengat dilanjutkan dengan mengunjungi sejumlah situs sejarah seperti makam-makam raja yang dimakamkan di Pulau Penyengat. Di salah satu situs makam terpahat ‘Gurindam Duabelas’ yang asli. Kekayaan sastra Melayu memang luar biasa.
Kami juga berkunjung ke balai adat yang menghadap pantai. Di bawah bangunan yang berbentuk panggung itu ada sebuah sumur yang airnya sangat segar dan tidak payau sama sekali. Ini agak mengherankan mengingat bahwa jarak sumur dan pantai hanya sekitar seratus meter.
Dari Penyengat kami bertolak ke Senggarang. Pulau ini punya atmosfer yang beda karena suasana oriental begitu kental di sini. Dua klenteng Cina menyambut kami begitu berlabuh di pulau tersebut. Di sisi klenteng ada kolam ikan dengan patung Dewi Kwam Im dan Nacha (betul tidak ya, namanya seperti ini?) yang menjadi satu bagian dengan kolam tersebut. Di dalam klenteng rupanya dipelihara kura-kura. Mitosnya, kalau berdoa kemudian menjatuhkan koin tepat di atas kepala kura-kura tersebut maka doa itu akan terkabul. Ada-ada saja ya….
Tidak jauh dari klenteng-klenteng itu terdapat vihara Budha. Ada patung Budha yang demikian besar dengan tangan-tanganya yang begitu banyak. Suasana ranah Tiongkok yang begitu kental berdampingan dengan budaya Melayu yang masih asli membuat saya berpikir bahwa toleransi di Kepri ini berjalan demikian baik. Di Senggarang ini kami tidak mengobservasi lebih jauh karena mengejar untuk sampai di tanjung pinang sebelum Ashar. Tiba di Tanjung Pinang lagi, kami melaju ke Batu Licin seperti yang saya telah ungkapkan di atas. Menjelang malam kami kembali bertolak ke Batam.
Pagi esoknya (1/9), kami melakukan perjalan menuju Pulau Galang yang terletak 35 km dari Batam. Kami tidak melakukan perjalan lewat laut karena Pulau Batam, Rempang, dan Galang dihubungkan oleh jembatan Barelang. Jembatan ini unik karena salah satunya mirip dengan Golden Gate di California itu. Yang lain berasitektur lengkung yang sebenarnya juga tidak kalah unik.
Pulau Rempang punya kontur tanah yang agak berbeda dengan Batam. Tamapknya pulau ini lebih subur karena tidak lagi saya lihat tanah-tanah merah. Beberapa malah saya lihat agak berawa-rawa. Tidak banyak kesan saya di pulau tersebut karena cuma lewat saja.
Pulau Galang menurut saya adalah yang paling menarik karena tempat ini adalah saksi sejarah perang saudara di Vietnam dahulu. Apa pasal? Tempat ini merupakan tempat pengungsi perang tersebut yang jumlahnya mencapa ratusan ribu orang. Perahu yang mereka gunakan dahulu telah dimonumenkan. Selama nyaris tigapuluh tahun para pengungsi itu hidup di kamp-kamp konsentrasi di pulau ini. Mereka akhirnya dikembalikan ke Vietnam atau menuju negara-negara ketiga yang mau menampung mereka. Ada pula yang memilih bunuh diri karena tidak mau kembali ke negeri asal.
Kata teman yang turut serta dalam perjalanan itu, suasana Galang seram. Akan tetapi, sebaliknya, saya merasa sedih. Hal ini tidak dapat saya jelaskan. Peninggalan-peninggalan orang Vietnam seperti kuil dan gereja tampak tak terurus. Sayang sekali. Pulau itu sepi, dan sepertinya hanya didiami oleh orang-orang yang ditugaskan untuk menjaga situs-situs sejarah di situ.
Satu hal yang mengharukan bahwa ternyata para pengungsi Vietnam tersebut sangat antusias setiap perayaan hari kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia. Bahkan jauh lebih antusias dari penduduk asli di sana. Saya diceritakan bahwa mereka berpakaian rapi dan mendekor rumah-rumah, sekolah-sekolah, jalan-jalan dengan luar biasa sehingga perayaan kemerdekaan Indonesia justru sangat semarak.
Kekelaman akibta perang terpancar dari wajah-wajah sendu mereka yang saya lihat dari foto. Syukurlah mereka yang akhirnya pergi ke negeri ketiga dikabarkan menjadi sukses. Dan Pulau Galang hanya meningglakan lengang dan cerita-cerita mistis yang menegakkan bulu kuduk. Sayang, sungguh sayang.
Perjalanan ke galan adalah yang terakhir sebelum kami kembali terbang menuju Jakarta. Perjalanan berkeliling pulau-pulau di Kepri sungguh merupakan pengalaaman luar biasa. Mudah-mudahan ada rezeki untuk berkunjung ke daerah-daerah lain di Indonesia. Saya percaya banyak tempat-tempat lain yang tidak kalah luar biasa. Target kunjungan berikutnya: Belitung, Karimunjawa, Raja Ampat.
N.B.: Foto-foto menyusul. Tidak sempat memindahkan nih... :D
Today's Inspiration (0709)
ATTEMPT From Baltasar Gracián y Morales |
![]() Attempt easy tasks as if they were difficult, and difficult as if they were easy; in the one case that confidence may not fall asleep, in the other that it may not be dismayed. |
I See Complexity Inside Burung-burung Manyar

The story took three plots of period. It represents very smart. Paradoxes of life, even divinity, are shown elegantly as enigmatic questions. Esoteric battle of Setadewa, the protagonist character of this roman, shows his strength and weakness at the same time. Complexity of human is depicted clearly inside this character. That complexity was gathered between chic dictions and comprehension of much knowledge. Those stream smoothly.
I read the first printing (1981). Some wrong words in this edition might insult the comfort of reading. However, that neglects by the beauty inside the book.
*Picture captured from
Book's Data
Title : Burung-burung Manyar
Genre : Fiction
Author: Y.B. Mangunwijaya
Publ. : Djambatan
Pages : ?
Friday's Lesson
Took a pray with the blinds was a great experience. I saw how they were so engrossed in pray. Within darkness covers their world I could see how sincere they are with their condition, and even they looked happy. I acknowledged them.
Show us the straight way,
The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray. [Al-Fathiha: 6-7]
Thank You ...
I keep touch remember you. And I pray for you to be whatever you want to be: Courageous, Honest, Free, ….
Today's Inspiration (0708)
COME AND GO from Sara Teasdale |
It was around 1.30 am, this day; I replied an email from friend at fourth floor of my Department building. Suddenly, keyboard I used shook. I surprised because all things around me trembled, even my body did. It was an earthquake. Windows echoed intimidating sound. My body shook to right and left.
My friends (there were four people, including me, at that place) kept silent by frightened. I yelled, “Don’t move! Don’t move.” I did not know that was good or not. I wondered which one better: staying at the highest floor of that building or just running ahead to the ground immediately. I just thought that bending moment by this earthquake influenced near ground structure than higher floor structure even though vibration would be felt scarier at higher place. However, that would be inapplicable for very high building case. That was my analysis when that happened.
Honestly, I was afraid. I suddenly remembered the earthquake in Yogyakarta a while ago. Six minute, land vibrated and it caused hundreds of human being died. Remembering that, I just said istighfar. Terrifying. My heart just kept whispering, “How if I die here?”
I guessed it took three minutes. When it stopped, I asked my friend to get out the building immediately. I was afraid if following earthquake would draw closer. Better avoid the risk, I thought. At the outside, my friends were informed by phone call that the earthquake was felt in Jakarta as well. We thought it was severer in Jakarta because people even woke up of their sleep because the vibration.
Hmmm…, I wonder what kind of earthquake was that.
New Habit = Old Habit
Guess, what my habit is?
Yup, I swim. I do it every week on Tuesday or Wednesday after lunchtime. Weird, huh? Yeah, I know it. But, it is the time I like most because not so crowded.
Mostly, I don’t see points on talk someone’s quality. People do that just for fulfilling self satisfaction even worse: laugh at someone who becomes object of gossiping.
For me, talk about some can be accepted for reflection or learn about life or protection. Moreover, we must choose person whom we ask to talk as the purpose of talking is for goodness. He or she must be fair and wise on his or her opinion. Still, it is difficult to stand on that condition. More often than not, people are slipped on rough way. So, better avoid it.
[I am still sad for my friends who mocked on their friends and lecturers (why?). I don’t know them who were talked about as I from different major. Miserable….]
Get into the room means risk??
After I had dinner, I went to campus for updating my blog. Unfortunately the internet connection was being unconnected. Then I looked up to code on panel method analysis but I felt bored immediately. Before going back to my board, I watched a documentary movie titled ‘The Blue Planet.’ It’s such an interesting movie. I walked slowly to hear the whisper of dark night. It was beautiful though the sky was so pale without stars. Sound of leaves fell down and insects with their song completed the exquisiteness of that night.
My feeling changed severely as I’d just arrived at front of my board. I found the gate was locked. It was unusual. I tried to open it, but it didn’t work at all. So, I thought several possibilities to save my night of waiting dawn arise perplexedly front the gate.
- Doing a phone call to my board. I didn’t think it was a good idea as it was almost 1.30 am. Moreover my mates are usually too lazy to pick up the phone. Phone at our board usually ring for kiosk need that owned by the owner of our board. So, I decided not to do it.
- Going back to campus. It was neither good choice as the first idea. It was ridiculous went back to campus just for doing some sleep. So, naturally I avoided doing it.
- Doing phone call to a friend and spend the night at his place. Ah, I did not want to disturb someone else’s rest.
- Going to the mosque and sleeping there. No, no, no. Mosque for me just for doing prayer.
- Climbing the gate. Still it was not good choice. The top side of gate set in by spike wire. “Don’t do something clumsy,” my heart whispered.
I became furious because there’s nothing that I could do. I spoke to myself, “who on earth locked the gate?” Suddenly I saw the wall next to kiosk. I thought I can climb it to get the roof and leap to the 2nd floor corridor of my board but I found that it to high. I almost gave up as I saw the wall gate of my board neighbor’s short enough to be climbed. The problem was: I had to cross over my neighbor’s roof. Man, it was so risky. How if someone saw me? I thought and thought, then decided not to do it. That’s enough. I walked away to internet kiosk. I thought to spend the rest of night at there, back to my first aim to update blog.
Actually, I just could stay there less than one hour and half. “Furious, everything gets expensive,” I spoke within my heart. I spent five thousand rupiah for such a little time. Almost 4 am., I wondered what should I do. Then, I thought to take all the risk of doing my ridiculous idea: climbing the wall and the roof of my neighbor to get in my room. I desperately needed to read. Reading until dawn is my routine (it is just interrupted by the time of sholat subuh). So, I went back to my board.
Hope nobody saw me, I climbed the wall carefully. Honestly, I afraid if there someone saw me and screamed that there was a thief on the roof. I climbed the higher wall before getting to the roof. Unfortunately, there were spike wire and branches of bougainvillea. Though, I kept moving carefully until I could reach the top. Walking on the roof was not easy because it had sharp gradient. My body was compelled to crawl so I could balance my body along my journey (Journey? Ridiculous, isn’t it? But I like to use it). Then I got the end of my neighbor’s roof. I had to walk through kiosk roof before getting the corridor. It was easier because the gradient’s not too significant. Finally, I could get the corridor barrier. A simple leap brought me to the 2nd floor of my board. Thank God, I could enter my room and read as usual.
I hope I’ve never found similar situation.
Noiseless Time
And I just gave a noiseless face. Speechless.
Another time. A man said something even more surprising.
“Ham, tell me about great sin!”
“Hmm, there are several things that categorized as great sins. Syirik is the greatest one.” I wondered why he asked me talking about this topic. It was unusual.
“How about suicide? I think I am doing it right now. It’s hopeless.”
And I just gave a noiseless face. Just quite.
Both of those were my experience. I don’t know why I got speechless of that kind of situation. Not just once or twice, but more. Different problem. Different person. I’ve hardly been able to talk about philosophy of life nor religion view nor norms. I’ve hardly thought to give solution because I’d have never prepared to face that kind of situation. I just cannot. And almost of time, I just quite.
Why? I don’t know. I just believe that they would find the answer of their question. It is not me to find someone else’s solution.
After all, maybe I just can give one sentence to all who come and share their problem: just follow your heart.
And deep in my heart, I pray for us to find the right path.
Not a fairy tale: My friend's story
Edi Johan (EJ): “I have never sat and talk comfort, just like we’re doing now.”
Muhammad Ilham (MI): “Do you mean?”
EJ: “Yup, people talk to me unwillingly. They think I am….”
MI: “What are they thinking about you?”
EJ: “I have experienced things that barely happen to other.”
MI: “I don’t understand.”
EJ: “I’ve been a prisoner.”
MI: “Really?”
EJ: “Yes.”
MI: “For what reason?”
EJ: “Drugs. I am disregarded by my environment for what I did in the past. I am disregarded even by my relatives.”
MI: “Let me hear your story!”
EJ: “Graduated from senior high school, I was confused of my future. What should I do? I did not continue my study to university. Ii was as if my brain within burnt. However, I had dignity for not to ask money anymore to my parents. I wanted to get job. With my conditions at that time, I thought what I could do. I took the shortcut. I started to be acquainted with drugs.”
MI: “Did you a user?”
EJ: “Yes. Neither had I wanted but my evil-stuff. I’d barely eaten. You know, every time adzan echoed, I pretended to take blushing water and just went to my chamber but I did nothing. I did not do sholat, just laid down on mattress. I deceived my family.”
MI: “The last time we met you frequently went to the mosque, didn’t you? I hardly understand.”
EJ: “Yes I did, before I knew that kind of stuff.”
MI: “Okay. Please continue your story!”
EJ: “January, 2005 I was arrested at home. Imagine how this village stirred by that case. They all came to my house just for looking me brought along by the officer. I spent most of year 2005 in jail. I was disappointed because my friend in this village had never visited me, even for once. They, our friends here, I hoped they would visit me badly. I just wanted to know that they still supported me as well.”
MI: “Insya Allah, there would be hikmah (philosophies) on this experience.”
EJ: “Yup, you are so right. I met someone who really loved me. She has never looked to my past. She is my wife.”
MI: “Ho, how come?”
EJ: “First time I met her, she came by to visit her best male friend at LP. Her friend was sentenced for different case: car-hit. She often came. On fasting month, she even visited everyday bringing meal for our break.
MI: “Was she a college student?”
EJ: “Yes, nursery. Ridiculous, isn’t it? A man marry woman with higher education.”
MI: “Not really.”
EJ: “I freed on December 2005. Actually, I was sentenced for one and a half years. I got a month remission on Independence Day that year and 15 days when Idul Fitri celebration. Moreover good attitude helped me to free faster. I also took CBS program. Three months off the jail, I married that girl. She is pregnant right now, our first child. However she lives with her parents right now.”
MI: “Why?”
EJ: “I feel ashamed. I don’t have a job while she has. She is working as a nurse in her birthplace, in Lombok Timur. Yesterday, I went her and found she has television and VCD player in her room. She gets those from her hard work. She said, ‘I bought these to remind you for finding job.’ I just smiled in bitterness. I knew she said it not to underestimate me. She spoke like that precisely showed her love.”
MI: “She is really great. You should be grateful to God.”
EJ: “Yes, certainly. I dream of opening my own business and caring my family. However, my movement barred by the way others see me. No one believes me, even my relatives. I broke in every time I tried.”
MI: “Then?”
EJ: “I don’t know. The past still haunt and trapped me.”
MI: “Hey, you should be thankful of what you experience you had. As you said, you’ve got amazing woman as your wife. You also said to me that no one experienced as you had. Look how Allah gives His wide attention so you were given bitterness like that. He knows that you would pass it. Look, you are now sitting and talking with me here. You still live until now, just a brief proof that you were passed from His test. Should you be trapped by the past?”
EJ: “Hmm..., you are right. I must be strong. I should not stand on someone else’s customary.”
MI: “Then?”
EJ: “I am thinking to open rice stall. But I have no money to invest at this. It makes me confused.”
MI: “Hmm…, great idea. I think you can try asking your relatives to lend your some money. Or you can accompany Febri first to set travelling program at Gili’s. Or help Dodi at his computer course.”
EJ: “I am not interested at that. Moreover I have little knowledge about things you said.”
MI: “Don’t underestimate yourself. Just try, no pain no gain. You work to collect your capital.”
EJ: “Actually, there’s someone offers me job to help him on flower business. He is from Jakarta. We met before Romadhon. But I am afraid.”
MI: “Why?”
EJ: “I don’t know. But I am interested, for sure. I love flowers. In jail I helped to look after the garden there. I liked it.”
MI: “So, there’s no excuse to leave this opportunity. Contact him, as soon as possible!”
EJ: “He is going home to Jakarta. He is going back here on next Monday, insyaAllah. But, I have planned to climb Rinjani this Sunday. It will take a week, at least.”
MI: “Cancel it! Better you don’t go for meeting him on Monday. I ask it as your friend.”
EJ: “Okay, I will do what you ask. Thank you.”
MI: “You’re welcome. Since I am your friend, I’ll keep support you. I trust you.”
Would it be the same?
When we see blood, we've just already known it is red. However, have you thought that we say the blood is red because the others say the same? Might human brains have received different information, but because all give the same definition so just it become. I wonder what is going on if I use someone else’s brain.
If I use another brain within my head, would I taste sweet of sugar as I taste right now using my own? Would I feel another sensation when I touch something smooth or rough? Might it be I see the sky is yellow, since someone just identifies yellow is blue or on the other way I have been wrong (I don’t think that the word “wrong” is proper to describe my point but I didn’t find better word to explain it

Finally, it is just curious….

Thanks to Edwards for the smileys (sorry, I didn't say before...

My Personality??
Your Personality is the Rarest (INFJ) |
![]() Your personality type is introspective, principled, self critical, and sensitive. Only about 2% of all people have your personality - including 3% of all women and around 1% of all men. You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. |
Hmmm, the rarest one... I've expected it *sigh*
Today's Inspiration (0707)
LIFE from Raymond Charles Barker |
Supper Converse
Actually, he was not the first person who says like that. I smiled and said, “This is what I had from my granny. My mom told me stories about her, including this one. My mom said that my granny said that every single grain of rice (cultivate) you eat is about grant from God and also hard work. So, never let it wasted by leaving it on your plate. Better eat a bit. I think she had a point and I accept it for mine.”
My friend said he agreed with me even though it is hardly to be applied for this time being. I just smiled and hoped he would someday.
Thesis: the problems
When this topic was given to me, I thought it might be easy. It just about geometry optimization and I would have done it soon. In fact, this is not quite easy as I thought. I face a very complex task. I must define aerodynamic characteristic by ground effect influence. The problem is the phenomenon of ground effect is barely explained by any theories nor even empirical formulae. For this time being the phenomenon just depicts the tendency of aerodynamic characteristic alteration. That is one problem.
Another problem is about optimization itself. I decided to use genetic algorithms for my task since I play in stochastic or random data. Genetic algorithms are a search technique used in computing to find exact or approximate solutions to optimization and search problems. Genetic algorithms are categorized as global search heuristics. Genetic algorithms are a particular class of evolutionary algorithms (also known as evolutionary computation) that use techniques inspired by evolutionary biology such as inheritance, mutation, selection, and crossover (also called recombination). []
So, what I should do? Keep working on it, obviously. One thing I grateful for this, I can enrich myself with the universe of knowledge. Something hardly resistible, is it?
Maag (What is it written in English?)
Another excuse… hehehe…
Simplex Veri Sigillum, Just Away
Things you heard now should be copious words that entrap you into turbulence of misunderstanding. Further you can blow up somebody else by your words into confuse then you are conferred as an intelligent. Don’t know why?
Touched story of my mate [Part II]
“Hmm, you remind me about my parents. They also had amazing struggling of life.”
“Story of my father’s studying stopped. He’d never tasted the academic environment of university. Thank God, he got job in Telkom. That changed our life. But there’s a story before he got the job. My father’s older brother ordered him to follow the test for Telkom job opportunity. My father said okay, but strangely he was sick at the day of the test. He decided not to go. His brother said, ’You must go.’ My father answered, ’But, I’m feeling not so good.’ His brother kept asking him to go and even borrowed motorcycle from neighbor. Then my father went to the test at field. Sun shined so cruel forced him to lose his concentration but he tried as best he could. Amazingly, he passed.”
I was stunning of his story and started thinking of my path. Actually, I feel afraid sometimes because I think I do not struggle enough to face mine: too simple and does not adventure me enough.
He talked again, “My father’s story pulls my faith out to do my best, but, unfortunately, it is also easy disappear. Easy come, easy go. My mother told me, ‘When you were born, your father prepared the best thing for you: meal, stuff, cloth.’ Then, it made me really want do something to them both. I wanted to earn money and buy something to them. Want to open business.”
“So what kinds of business do you prepare?”
“My friends and I….”
[I ended the story here because the point of my mate was depicts completely. At the end his story I said, “Please, tell your father I acknowledge him for what he did. It is inspiring me a lot.” That night I learnt things. Mate, thank you for the story.]
Cita-cita Anak Negeri (Youngster's Dreams)

Apa yang terbetik dalam benak ketika seorang anak kecil ditanya dengan pertanyaan tentang cita-citanya. Mungkin kita akan berpikir bahwa betapa antusiasnya atau mungkin dengan malu-malu menjawab menjadi dokter, insinyur, dan sebagainya. Boleh percaya boleh tidak, itu jawaban-jawaban yang keluar dari anak-anak sepuluh atau duapuluh tahun yang lalu dan mungkin terlontar dari bibir anda. Saat ini mungkin kita akan mendapatkan jawaban yang berbeda. Bukan sekedar berbeda tetapi benar-benar berbeda.
Suatu ketika saya membaca bahwa anak-anak sekarang lebih tertarik menjadi artis, entah itu sebagai penyanyi atau bintang sinetron. Ketika mendengar hal itu terus terang saya merasa kecewa dan entah mengapa sakit hati. Apakah sedemikian terpaparnya bangsa ini dengan gaya hidup dan informasi yang sampai saat ini, menurut saya, lebih banyak kejelekannya daripada kebaikannya. Ketika ditanya alas an ingin menjadi artis, mungkin dengan lugas menjawab anak-anak itu menjawaab, “biar bisa dapat uang banyak terus bisa beli macam-macam.” Atau mungkin, “biar bisa terkenal.” Sungguh jawaban-jawaban mengecewakan. Sangat jarang terdengar, “aku mau jadi dokter karena bisa membantu menyembuhkan orang sakit.” Atau, “aku mau bangun gedung bertingkat paling keren supaya ayah, ibu, kakak, adik dan teman-teman bisa tinggal di situ.” Rindu mendengar jawaban-jawaban polos namun mendalam semacam itu.
Tetapi yang hendak saya sampaikan dalam tulisan ini bukan soal cita-cita anak-anak yang demikian terpapar arus informasi. Saya hendak bercerita profil anak-anak bangsa yang sama menyedihkannya. Kepolosan mereka pun ternoda oleh lingkungan mereka. Mungkin terlihat berbeda dengan kisah anak-anak yang saya sampaikan di atas namun hakikatnya adalah sama.
Di bilangan Jakarta Utara...
“Kalau sudah besar kamu mau jadi apa?” Pertanyaan tersebut terlontar pada seorang bocah kecil. Terus terang aku tidak pernah mempersiapkan diri untuk suatu jawaban yang terkamit dari bibirnya.
”Kok mau jadi preman?” Pertanyaan ini penting. Latar belakang semua ini mungkin akan terjawab dengan pertanyaan yang satu ini.
“Bapak preman. Dari situ dia dapat uang.”
Dan perasaan beku menjalar…
Di daerah pinggiran Bandung...
“Dik, kamu mau jadi apa kalau sudah gede?” Ini adalah pertanyaan buat seorang gadis kecil yang tampak demikian bersahaja.
“Pelacur,” jawabnya polos. Ini benar-benar aneh dan di luar kebiasaan. Bagaimana seorang anak yang demikian lugu punya pemikiran seperti itu.
“Ibu juga seperti itu. Makanya dia bisa menyekolahkan saya,” pungkasnya.
Dua cerita itu dituturkan seorang sahabat yang sedang mengumpulkan data untuk kegiatan community service-nya. Ketika mendengar cerita itu saya cuma bisa diam dan merasa tidak lagi menjejak di orbit bumi. Ini benar-benar keterlaluan. Dan saat ini pula, perasaan itu masih buncah dalam dada. Bangsa ini bercita-cita menjadi sesuatu yang tidak bermoral. Ah… sedih sekali menuliskan kalimat sebelum kalimat ini. Tetapi bukankah ini yang mungkin terjadi, masa depan bangsa ini ada di tangan mereka.
Anak-anak telah ternoda kemurniannya. Profesi-profesi yang mereka pilih karena berorientasi materi. Dan ironisnya anak-anak di semua lapisan sosial menunjukkan kecenderungan serupa. Mungkin inilah yang terjadi ketika sistem memaksa kita untuk bergantung pada yang namanya materi, atau lebih khusus lagi uang. Pendidikan, kesehatan, hiburan, atau apapun butuh uang. Apa yang saya sampaikan bukan berarti menafikan pentingnya uang, namun yang terjadi sekarang adalah hampir segala hal diukur dengannya. Mungkin orang tua-orang tua di Indonesia lebih banyak yang berkata, "Nak, kalau sudah besar carilah banyak uang agar hidup kamu terjamin." Semakin sayup terdengar doa orang tua, "Jadilah kamu anak yang shalih, jujur, dan berguna buat sesama dan negeri ini."
Pertanyaan selanjutnya akan lebih berat. Siapa yang bertanggungjawab atas hal ini? Yang saya maksudkan bertanggungjawab bukanlah mencari siapa yang salah, melainkan siapa yang mampu berbuat sesuatu mengentaskan kenistaan masa depan bangsa ini. Pertanyaan sulit, bukan? Mungkin tidak akan ada yang mau mengambil peran di sini. Tidak menguntungkan, itu mungkin alasan yang akan keluar.
Saya kini berpikir dan masih terus berpikir, “Apa yang bisa saya lakukan?” Saya merasa sangat berdosa ketika tidak mampu bertindak. Apa? Apa? Bagaimana? Bagaimana? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu masih belum terjawab sampai sekarang. Ah betapa memalukan…. Akan tetapi satu hal yang saya berjanji dengan sepenuh hati, anak-anak saya nanti akan saya didik sebaik mungkin sehingga ketika dia ditanya tentang cita-citanya yang tertutur adalah sesuatu yang mulia dan membanggakan buat rakyat negeri ini, bahkan buat semesta.
Touched story of my mate [Part I]
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. You know, I am not I used to be. I was diligent boy, always went to the mosque for doing sholat, and woke up at 3.30 am every single day. Now, everything change and I don’t know why.”
We arrived at the location and took a sit. I kept in silence since I didn’t know what to say. I keep listening.
“Formerly, I was the second best after my father at home in devotion. I always read the Holy Quran, even I was pointed to follow MTQ contest. That was something gratify. And now, I’ve even never open it.” He exhaled. “I know that I’m not in the right path and I know what I should do. However, I just cannot move towards.”
“I think you need bravery to start. It might work since you have the faith to change. Be patient. Just start step by step.” I said carefully. “After that, you keep your new habits within.”
He nodded.
While we were eating cap cay, he started to talk again. “I always feel guilty when my father tells his story. Once he said to me, ‘What you’ve been done for the last 25 years? When I was 25, I’ve got married and worked.’” He exhaled. “I know it was not right to say that our era is different.”
I nodded and said, ”Yeah. Even we should struggle much more since we have easiness in life much more than our parents.”
“My father was always being number one in his class whereas he formerly didn’t want to enroll school. He went to elementary at 8 because his older brother keep ask him to school. My father said, ‘Why must I go school? I can read and count well.’ Then his brother said, ‘You won’t just study how to read or count. There are things you can learn.’”
I stayed no talk and my body eerie while hearing his story.
“When he is in fifth year he came to head master and said, ‘Sir, I want to quit school.’ The head master surprised and asked, ‘For what reason? You are so smart.’ My father said, ‘I want to earn money, since I have money to continue my study.’ At last the head master decided, ‘You keep study here and you don’t need to pay for that. But, I ask you to fulfill the water container in school bathroom.’ Since that, my father after Shubuh kept doing it until he graduated. When he finished his morning task, his friend came to school. He had to went home quickly to get dress and came back to school for studying.” He continued, "Moreover, he was always being the one whom his mates asked. I admire him."
[To be continued]
Idea: Fade
Think! Think! Think!
"Melacak Alam" brings nature within pages
This book gives information about nature. It divided into several main topics: spring, summer, autumn, winter, etc. Perhaps there is a strange feeling when reading this book. It genuine as background of this book exists in of Germany and North Europe. This book truly is the translation from German book.
The information gives the comprehensive ecological sketch of European nature. Simple language construction makes this book can be understood simply, even for elementary school age. There is some word that was not translated into Bahasa Indonesia indeed, but it is fine.
When I read this book, there is a desire appear to make similar book of Indonesian’s nature. I believe there so many things that can be explored from our nature.
*No picture yet
Book's Data
Title : Melacak Alam (Indonesian translation title)
Genre : Nonfiction
Author: Hans Jürgen Press (Original Publisher)
Publ. : Angkasa (Indonesian edition, translated)
Pages : 140
Palavras do português
Realmente, diversas línguas em Indonésia são induzidas também pelo português. Em Nggahi mBojo, a cadeira é falada com a mesma pronunciação que o português.
Small, Sweet, and Unexpected (formerly written: Kecil, Mengejutkan, dan Manis)
It was the first day of fasting month last year. I was surprised with the experience I had. I was greeted by a little girl, that I knew later is my neighbor. She’s five years old, I guessed. She said, “Kakak (older brother), you’re looking more charming.” Ho? There is someone who's paid attention to me.
Her words were so sincere and made me touched. For a while I could not speak before thanked and smiled at her. She repay by giving her innocent smile. That event was a really outlandish for me. I got the energy to share my spirit that day. I could give my smile to everyone I saw. That day I learnt things from the little girl.
First, I realized that so much unconsciously attention we have even from the one we don’t know/expected before. It is warm and soft. That something we must grateful to God. The next lesson I had, our feeling is expressed from the face, words, and gesture. I also realized that God always has sweet way to admonish us. I feel guilty, sometimes, when remember my ungrateful to God.
Little girl, thank you….
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i'm italian your blog is beautiful
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Vika-Didiet said...
hmm.. ehem... ehem... terima kasih sekali karena nama saya tercantum dalam ceritamu ... hehehehehe...
October 20, 2006
Vika-Didiet said...
eh alamat blog vika teh di:
October 20, 2006
Widhie said...
Harus mulai dari mana ya? : ) Saya agak sedikit bingung harus membahasakannya seperti apa. Uhm… saya tahu! Saya hanya akan berusaha jujur dan tulus saja. Alhamdulillah, saya sudah membaca tulisan Kak Ilham dari mulai “Kecil, Mengejutkan, dan Manis” hingga “musibah Indonesia”. Satu kata yang kiranya cukup menggambarkan: Bagus! Saya seperti melihat sisi seorang Ilham yang lain. Seseorang yang terbuka untuk berbagi pemikiran dengan orang lain dengan bahasa puitis yang cukup mengejutkan (untuk saya pribadi). Mungkin selama ini saya masih memandang seseorang masih dengan satu kacamata saja. Most of the time, I still judge a book by its cover and I’m still trying to avoid doing that too often.
Saya suka cara Kak Ilham membahasakan apa yang dirasakan dan apa yang melintas dalam pikiran. Semua terasa manis, menginspirasi, dan jujur. Saya setuju dengan pemikiran Kak Ilham terutama tentang bagaimana suatu musibah yang menimpa kita itu merupakan salah satu bentuk perhatian Allah SWT pada kita. Yup, dengan berpikir demikian kita berbesar hati untuk menerima apa yang ditimpakan pada kita karena kita akan selalu merasa bahwa, ya, memang selalu ada maksud dan akhir yang manis untuk semua itu.
Khusus untuk “kecil, mengejutkan, dan manis”, membuat saya teringat pada tulisan seorang teman di blog-nya yang berjudul “(Selalu) Ada yang Memperhatikan Kita.” Pada intinya, ia memiliki maksud yang sama dengan apa yang Kak Ilham coba sampaikan, bahwa kita memang seringkali tak sadar bahwa ternyata ada orang-orang yang memperhatikan kita lho di luar sana. Mungkin kebanyakan dari mereka tak berani untuk berkata karena memang tak kenal, misalnya. Tapi, sebentuk perhatian kecil seperti yang Kak Ilham ceritakan tentu akan membuat kita makin sadar bahwa sebentuk perhatian itu harus diteruskan! Pernah nonton “Pay It Forward”? Di film itu dikisahkan tentang seorang anak yang punya proyek sekolah untuk menularkan kebaikan pada orang, di mana orang yang telah menerima kebaikan itu harus memberikan kebaikan bagi orang lain hingga tercipta sebuah rantai kebaikan gitu. Dunia pasti akan lebih menyenagkan jika semua orang berpikir demikian.
Hmm…. Satu lagi, Kak Ilham cukup moody juga yah? : )
October 20, 2006
Akeelah and the Bee: Quotes

They laugh because you intimidate them. But if you'd stood your ground, you might have earned their respect. [Dr. Joshua Larabee]
Akeelah Anderson: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. (Quoting Marianne Williamson)
Dr. Joshua Larabee: Does that mean anything to you?
Akeelah Anderson: I don't know.
Dr. Joshua Larabee: It's written in plain English. What does it mean?
Akeelah Anderson: That I'm not supposed to be afraid.
Dr. Joshua Larabee: Afraid of what?
Akeelah Anderson: Afraid of... me?
The people we are studying: DuBois, Dr. King, JFK; these people used words to change the world. And they didn't acquire their vocabulary by rote memorization. [Dr. Joshua Larabee]
You know, Akeelah, you ain't short on people who want to help you. I bet if you just look around, you got 50,000 coaches. Starting with me. [Tanya Anderson]
You know that feeling where everything feels right? Where you don't have to worry about tomorrow or yesterday, but you feel safe and know you're doing the best you can? There's a word for that feeling. It's called love. L- O-V-E. And it's what I feel for all my family, and all my coaches in my neighborhood, where I come from, where I learned how to spell. [Akeelah Anderson]
*Picture captured from
Lessons from painful headache
In the morning, after that conversation, I got another similar feedback. “Ham, you look so pale. Are you sick?” Arghhh, I was wrong for a long time. I always keep in my mind that my dark skin would cover up my sickness. I thought dark skin help me not to look pale if I were sick. Hmmm, I learn something precious from my sickness.
Another lesson I had is about my friends’ attention. They asked about my condition repeatedly and even scold me for my stubbornness to keep stay up all night. They said I should not force my self over and had to stop at the limit. Those attentions gave me strength to get better quicker, I guessed. Thank you friends…
What I wrote here just affirm what my point about everything has points. The headache I had is not meaningless because I learn things precisely. I finally know what my physical sign, limit, and even friendship values from my unwell condition. Thank God for those all.
Wahai Rabb-ku, apakah Engkau menciptakan wajah-wajah ini berlumuran dosa di sisi-Mu dan berbuat nista? Sungguh ketetapan-Mu tentu dengan maksud mendidik hamba-hamba-Mu. Oleh sebab itu aku mohon kepada-Mu wahai Dzat Yang Mahasantun, Mahapemurah, dan Mahalembut. Wahai Dzat Yang hanya dikenal oleh hamba-Nya dengan keindahan, agar Engkau berkenan memberikan kepada kami kebijaksanaan dan hikmah senantiasa.
Of Mice and Men, a story about lost dream

Take plot about social class of labour in California around 1930's, this story is about two close friend, Goerge and Lennie. They had dream to have their own home and land. However, Lennie with his simple mind kept being disturbed until once Goerge could not help him anymore and their dream flew away.
Simplicity does not remove the strength of whole story, concise but massive enough to get the point of the story. The strong character in the story espouses satisfaction when it is read. One thing makes this creation special, at least for me, is the emotion ingredient that completely constructed at the climax point and it removes the monotony of the story at the previous pages.
Further information, the author John Steinbeck, won Nobel Prize in Literature in 1962. This novel is one of the best work of him besides In Dubious Battle and The Grapes of Wrath.
*Picture captured from
Book's Data
Title : Of Mice and Men: Sebuah Impian Lennie (Indonesian translation title)
Genre : Fiction
Author: John Steinbeck
Publ. : Ufuk Press (Indonesian edition, translated)
"Momo" tells about time

In this story, it is figured a town which had been controlled over by bad guys. They wear black suit and smoked every time. Grey, gloomy, cold. They tricked people to thrift the time whereas, actually, they stole the time. This happened unconsciously, and people thought it was completely their decision. However, there was a little girl named Momo whom they could not swindle. The girl fought the time robber.
This story actually dedicated to children; however its content is relevant with globalization life that we sail now. Deep meaning of time paradox is described frontally and might invites hundred of questions about right and wrong, idealism and realism, yes and no. The answer might be found on the story, or even it deserve much more unanswered question. Interesting!!!
Book's Data
Title : Momo
Genre : Fiction
Author: Michael Ende
Publ. : Gramedia Pustaka Utama (Indonesian edition, translated)