
Of Mice and Men, a story about lost dream

The story about life is interesting to be explored for ever and a day. Of Mice and Men discover the battle between dream, reality, and the way. Simple topic was gathered with the simple diction and plot stream this story flat. However, at the end of page, this story surprised pull out softly, unconsciously. Dazzling.

Take plot about social class of labour in California around 1930's, this story is about two close friend, Goerge and Lennie. They had dream to have their own home and land. However, Lennie with his simple mind kept being disturbed until once Goerge could not help him anymore and their dream flew away.

Simplicity does not remove the strength of whole story, concise but massive enough to get the point of the story. The strong character in the story espouses satisfaction when it is read. One thing makes this creation special, at least for me, is the emotion ingredient that completely constructed at the climax point and it removes the monotony of the story at the previous pages.

Further information, the author John Steinbeck, won Nobel Prize in Literature in 1962. This novel is one of the best work of him besides In Dubious Battle and The Grapes of Wrath.

*Picture captured from http://www.ufukpress.com/

Book's Data
Title : Of Mice and Men: Sebuah Impian Lennie (Indonesian translation title)
Genre : Fiction
Author: John Steinbeck
Publ. : Ufuk Press (Indonesian edition, translated)
Pages : 208

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