

Mentari I

Mentari menyala di sini
di sini, di dalam hatiku
gemuruhnya sampai di sini
di sini, di urat darahku

Meskipun tembok yang tinggi mengurungku
berlapis pagar duri sekitarku
tak satupun yang mampu menghalangiku
menyala di dalam hatiku

Hari ini hari ini hari milikku
juga esok masih terbentang
dan mentari kan tetap menyala
di sini di dalam hatiku

Mentari II

Kulihat di sana
sinarmu merekah

Berikanlah cahayamu
bagi negeriku

Dengarlah suara
seruan rakyatmu
tertindas terbelenggu
menanti tanganmu

Berikanlah cahayamu
bagi negeriku

Those are songs I learnt from OSKM 2001 when I enrolled this institution. I cannot explain why I love these song a lot. I guess the lyrics touch my heart. A spirit to keep fight is clearly described at Mentari I. There is no obstacles should stop our step forward. Spirit flows through my veins. I am the sun itself.

Mentari II is my favorite. It has deep meaning and every time I sing it as if I promise to myself to do something with this country. This song always remind me how trapped we are within the calamities. Moreover, I keep thinking how to give something for people since I feel I was born to do something special: for human being, this country, even universe. I am the sun for universe.

Two songs that inspire me much and it keep me to think about future of universe I want to shape. And the question now is “how”.

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