
Touched story of my mate [Part I]

I was walking to ITB, when suddenly I met my board mate. I decided to accompanied him to have dinner before going to campus. On the way, he shared his story I've never heard before.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. You know, I am not I used to be. I was diligent boy, always went to the mosque for doing sholat, and woke up at 3.30 am every single day. Now, everything change and I don’t know why.”

We arrived at the location and took a sit. I kept in silence since I didn’t know what to say. I keep listening.

“Formerly, I was the second best after my father at home in devotion. I always read the Holy Quran, even I was pointed to follow MTQ contest. That was something gratify. And now, I’ve even never open it.” He exhaled. “I know that I’m not in the right path and I know what I should do. However, I just cannot move towards.”

“I think you need bravery to start. It might work since you have the faith to change. Be patient. Just start step by step.” I said carefully. “After that, you keep your new habits within.”
He nodded.


While we were eating cap cay, he started to talk again. “I always feel guilty when my father tells his story. Once he said to me, ‘What you’ve been done for the last 25 years? When I was 25, I’ve got married and worked.’” He exhaled. “I know it was not right to say that our era is different.”

I nodded and said, ”Yeah. Even we should struggle much more since we have easiness in life much more than our parents.”

“My father was always being number one in his class whereas he formerly didn’t want to enroll school. He went to elementary at 8 because his older brother keep ask him to school. My father said, ‘Why must I go school? I can read and count well.’ Then his brother said, ‘You won’t just study how to read or count. There are things you can learn.’”

I stayed no talk and my body eerie while hearing his story.

“When he is in fifth year he came to head master and said, ‘Sir, I want to quit school.’ The head master surprised and asked, ‘For what reason? You are so smart.’ My father said, ‘I want to earn money, since I have money to continue my study.’ At last the head master decided, ‘You keep study here and you don’t need to pay for that. But, I ask you to fulfill the water container in school bathroom.’ Since that, my father after Shubuh kept doing it until he graduated. When he finished his morning task, his friend came to school. He had to went home quickly to get dress and came back to school for studying.” He continued, "Moreover, he was always being the one whom his mates asked. I admire him."

[To be continued]

Idea: Fade

Perhaps the phrase title is not exact enough to describe what I mean. Spent several days without write anything forces me mad. What is going on? Since tons of words are in turbulence within my mind, things happen, idea just come and away. Poets, tales, experiences, review of something and what so ever I have created and collected just stay in my head.

Think! Think! Think!


"Melacak Alam" brings nature within pages

Melacak Alam is one of my favorite. I cannot remember how many times I read it and I never get bored. Maybe it because my interest of nature.

This book gives information about nature. It divided into several main topics: spring, summer, autumn, winter, etc. Perhaps there is a strange feeling when reading this book. It genuine as background of this book exists in of Germany and North Europe. This book truly is the translation from German book.

The information gives the comprehensive ecological sketch of European nature. Simple language construction makes this book can be understood simply, even for elementary school age. There is some word that was not translated into Bahasa Indonesia indeed, but it is fine.

When I read this book, there is a desire appear to make similar book of Indonesian’s nature. I believe there so many things that can be explored from our nature.
Can it? Can it not? Hmm….

*No picture yet

Book's Data
Title : Melacak Alam (Indonesian translation title)
Genre : Nonfiction
Author: Hans Jürgen Press (Original Publisher)
Publ. : Angkasa (Indonesian edition, translated)
Pages : 140


Palavras do português

Eu presto atenção ao Charmed, uma série da tevê, com subtítulo no português e figurei quantas palavras em Bahasa Indonesia são adotados de português. A janela, boneca, manteiga é diversas palavras que eu significo.

Realmente, diversas línguas em Indonésia são induzidas também pelo português. Em Nggahi mBojo, a cadeira é falada com a mesma pronunciação que o português.


Small, Sweet, and Unexpected (formerly written: Kecil, Mengejutkan, dan Manis)

Actually, it is difficult to rewrite old story with the same way: poetically (as Widhie said in her comment). I try to develop the same sense with the story I wrote before. Maybe, this just language difficultness since I wrote previously in Bahasa Indonesia. So this my trial, might it give same satisfaction? Let see.

It was the first day of fasting month last year. I was surprised with the experience I had. I was greeted by a little girl, that I knew later is my neighbor. She’s five years old, I guessed. She said, “Kakak (older brother), you’re looking more charming.” Ho? There is someone who's paid attention to me.

Her words were so sincere and made me touched. For a while I could not speak before thanked and smiled at her. She repay by giving her innocent smile. That event was a really outlandish for me. I got the energy to share my spirit that day. I could give my smile to everyone I saw. That day I learnt things from the little girl.

First, I realized that so much unconsciously attention we have even from the one we don’t know/expected before. It is warm and soft. That something we must grateful to God. The next lesson I had, our feeling is expressed from the face, words, and gesture. I also realized that God always has sweet way to admonish us. I feel guilty, sometimes, when remember my ungrateful to God.
Little girl, thank you….


Comments come by

This I write down several comments which have come by this blog. I removed it by purpose because I decided to change the direction of my writing. Maybe next time I can rewrite the articles which induced those comments.

i'm italian your blog is beautiful
i have got a blog:
you go in my blog and you write a comment

Vika-Didiet said...
hmm.. ehem... ehem... terima kasih sekali karena nama saya tercantum dalam ceritamu ... hehehehehe...
October 20, 2006

Vika-Didiet said...
eh alamat blog vika teh di:
October 20, 2006

Widhie said...
Harus mulai dari mana ya? : ) Saya agak sedikit bingung harus membahasakannya seperti apa. Uhm… saya tahu! Saya hanya akan berusaha jujur dan tulus saja. Alhamdulillah, saya sudah membaca tulisan Kak Ilham dari mulai “Kecil, Mengejutkan, dan Manis” hingga “musibah Indonesia”. Satu kata yang kiranya cukup menggambarkan: Bagus! Saya seperti melihat sisi seorang Ilham yang lain. Seseorang yang terbuka untuk berbagi pemikiran dengan orang lain dengan bahasa puitis yang cukup mengejutkan (untuk saya pribadi). Mungkin selama ini saya masih memandang seseorang masih dengan satu kacamata saja. Most of the time, I still judge a book by its cover and I’m still trying to avoid doing that too often.
Saya suka cara Kak Ilham membahasakan apa yang dirasakan dan apa yang melintas dalam pikiran. Semua terasa manis, menginspirasi, dan jujur. Saya setuju dengan pemikiran Kak Ilham terutama tentang bagaimana suatu musibah yang menimpa kita itu merupakan salah satu bentuk perhatian Allah SWT pada kita. Yup, dengan berpikir demikian kita berbesar hati untuk menerima apa yang ditimpakan pada kita karena kita akan selalu merasa bahwa, ya, memang selalu ada maksud dan akhir yang manis untuk semua itu.
Khusus untuk “kecil, mengejutkan, dan manis”, membuat saya teringat pada tulisan seorang teman di blog-nya yang berjudul “(Selalu) Ada yang Memperhatikan Kita.” Pada intinya, ia memiliki maksud yang sama dengan apa yang Kak Ilham coba sampaikan, bahwa kita memang seringkali tak sadar bahwa ternyata ada orang-orang yang memperhatikan kita lho di luar sana. Mungkin kebanyakan dari mereka tak berani untuk berkata karena memang tak kenal, misalnya. Tapi, sebentuk perhatian kecil seperti yang Kak Ilham ceritakan tentu akan membuat kita makin sadar bahwa sebentuk perhatian itu harus diteruskan! Pernah nonton “Pay It Forward”? Di film itu dikisahkan tentang seorang anak yang punya proyek sekolah untuk menularkan kebaikan pada orang, di mana orang yang telah menerima kebaikan itu harus memberikan kebaikan bagi orang lain hingga tercipta sebuah rantai kebaikan gitu. Dunia pasti akan lebih menyenagkan jika semua orang berpikir demikian.
Hmm…. Satu lagi, Kak Ilham cukup moody juga yah? : )
October 20, 2006

Akeelah and the Bee: Quotes

Akeelah and the Bee is a movie about smart little girl name Akeelah and her journey to win National Spelling Bee. Inspirational story with simple plot, this is a must-watched movie. This I write down several quotes from the scene.

They laugh because you intimidate them. But if you'd stood your ground, you might have earned their respect. [Dr. Joshua Larabee]

Akeelah Anderson: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. (Quoting Marianne Williamson)
Dr. Joshua Larabee: Does that mean anything to you?
Akeelah Anderson: I don't know.
Dr. Joshua Larabee: It's written in plain English. What does it mean?
Akeelah Anderson: That I'm not supposed to be afraid.
Dr. Joshua Larabee: Afraid of what?
Akeelah Anderson: Afraid of... me?

The people we are studying: DuBois, Dr. King, JFK; these people used words to change the world. And they didn't acquire their vocabulary by rote memorization. [Dr. Joshua Larabee]

You know, Akeelah, you ain't short on people who want to help you. I bet if you just look around, you got 50,000 coaches. Starting with me. [Tanya Anderson]

You know that feeling where everything feels right? Where you don't have to worry about tomorrow or yesterday, but you feel safe and know you're doing the best you can? There's a word for that feeling. It's called love. L- O-V-E. And it's what I feel for all my family, and all my coaches in my neighborhood, where I come from, where I learned how to spell. [Akeelah Anderson]

*Picture captured from http://www.notesfromhollywood.com


Lessons from painful headache

I had a painful headache since last Sunday. Thank God it stopped yesterday afternoon. Not quite, but better than the day before. This condition brought me to recognize my limit and also my physical sign. When I insisted to go to campus at one night I got feedback from a friend I met. He said,”hey, your eyes look so tired. Are you sick? You should take a sleep.” When I heard it, actually, I surprised. I didn’t know that my face tell my condition. I went to my department immediately and when found mirror, I mirrored. “Oh…, this is my eyes looks like while I’m sick,” I whispered. Why I never recognized this pale face.

In the morning, after that conversation, I got another similar feedback. “Ham, you look so pale. Are you sick?” Arghhh, I was wrong for a long time. I always keep in my mind that my dark skin would cover up my sickness. I thought dark skin help me not to look pale if I were sick. Hmmm, I learn something precious from my sickness.

Another lesson I had is about my friends’ attention. They asked about my condition repeatedly and even scold me for my stubbornness to keep stay up all night. They said I should not force my self over and had to stop at the limit. Those attentions gave me strength to get better quicker, I guessed. Thank you friends…

What I wrote here just affirm what my point about everything has points. The headache I had is not meaningless because I learn things precisely. I finally know what my physical sign, limit, and even friendship values from my unwell condition. Thank God for those all.

Wahai Rabb-ku, apakah Engkau menciptakan wajah-wajah ini berlumuran dosa di sisi-Mu dan berbuat nista? Sungguh ketetapan-Mu tentu dengan maksud mendidik hamba-hamba-Mu. Oleh sebab itu aku mohon kepada-Mu wahai Dzat Yang Mahasantun, Mahapemurah, dan Mahalembut. Wahai Dzat Yang hanya dikenal oleh hamba-Nya dengan keindahan, agar Engkau berkenan memberikan kepada kami kebijaksanaan dan hikmah senantiasa.

Of Mice and Men, a story about lost dream

The story about life is interesting to be explored for ever and a day. Of Mice and Men discover the battle between dream, reality, and the way. Simple topic was gathered with the simple diction and plot stream this story flat. However, at the end of page, this story surprised pull out softly, unconsciously. Dazzling.

Take plot about social class of labour in California around 1930's, this story is about two close friend, Goerge and Lennie. They had dream to have their own home and land. However, Lennie with his simple mind kept being disturbed until once Goerge could not help him anymore and their dream flew away.

Simplicity does not remove the strength of whole story, concise but massive enough to get the point of the story. The strong character in the story espouses satisfaction when it is read. One thing makes this creation special, at least for me, is the emotion ingredient that completely constructed at the climax point and it removes the monotony of the story at the previous pages.

Further information, the author John Steinbeck, won Nobel Prize in Literature in 1962. This novel is one of the best work of him besides In Dubious Battle and The Grapes of Wrath.

*Picture captured from http://www.ufukpress.com/

Book's Data
Title : Of Mice and Men: Sebuah Impian Lennie (Indonesian translation title)
Genre : Fiction
Author: John Steinbeck
Publ. : Ufuk Press (Indonesian edition, translated)
Pages : 208


"Momo" tells about time

I read the creation story of Michael Ende. I expect it might change the paradigm of threaten people. Softly but keenly, the story of Momo exhibits the egoism of human being as the consequence of civilization. By the desire of being success, most of people sacrifice their precious moment. They forget how to respect other and how they lost the affectionate of family and friends. They do forget how to be happy.

In this story, it is figured a town which had been controlled over by bad guys. They wear black suit and smoked every time. Grey, gloomy, cold. They tricked people to thrift the time whereas, actually, they stole the time. This happened unconsciously, and people thought it was completely their decision. However, there was a little girl named Momo whom they could not swindle. The girl fought the time robber.

This story actually dedicated to children; however its content is relevant with globalization life that we sail now. Deep meaning of time paradox is described frontally and might invites hundred of questions about right and wrong, idealism and realism, yes and no. The answer might be found on the story, or even it deserve much more unanswered question. Interesting!!!

*Picture captured from http://en.wikipedia.org/

Book's Data
Title : Momo
Genre : Fiction
Author: Michael Ende
Publ. : Gramedia Pustaka Utama (Indonesian edition, translated)
Pages : 320


What's better than.....

[By Butch Jimenez]

As college students, you're just about to set sail into the real world. As you prepare for the battleground of life, you'll hear many speeches, read tons of books and get miles of advise telling you to work hard, dream big, go out and do something for yourself, and have a vision.

Not bad advise, really. In fact, following these nuggets of truth may just bring you to the top. But as I've lived my life over the years, I have come to realise that it is great to dream big, have a vision, make a name, and work hard. But guess what: There's something better than that...

So my message today simply asks the question, what's better than...?

What's better than being negative?

Let's start off with something really simple. What's better than a long speech? No doubt, a short one. So, you guys are in luck because I intend to keep this short.

Now, let me take you through a very simple math exam. I'll rattle off a couple of equations, and you tell me what you observe about them. Be mindful of the instruction. You are to tell me what you observe about the equations.

Here it goes : 3+4=7, 9+2=11, 8+4=13 and 6+6=12. Tell me, what do you observe ?

Every time I conduct the test, more than 90 percent of the participants immediately say, 8+4 is NOT 13, it's 12. That's true and they are correct. But they could have also observed that the three other equations were right. That 3+4 is 7, that 9+2 is 11, and that 6+6 is 12.

What's my point ? Many people immediately focus on the negative instead of the positive. Most of us focus on what's wrong with other people more than what's right about them. Examine those four equations. Three were right an only one was wrong. But what is the knee-jerk observation? The wrong equation.

If 10 people you didn't know were to walk through that door, most of you would describe those people by what's negative about them. He's fat. He's balding. Oh, the short one. Oh, the skinny girl. etc.

Get the point ? It's always he negative we focus on and not the positive. You'll definitely experience this in the Corporate World. You do a hundred good things and one mistake-guess what? Chances are, your attention will be called on that one mistake....

So what's better than focusing on the negative ?

Believe me, it focusing on the positive. And if this world could learn to focus on the positive more than the negative, it would be a much nicer place to live in.

What's better than working hard ?

We have always been told to work hard. Our parents say that, our teachers say that, and our principal says that. But there's something better than merely working hard. It's working SMART.

It's taking time to understand the situation, and coming out with an effective and efficient solution to get more done with less time and effort. As the Japanese say, "There's always a better way."

One of the most memorable case studies I came across with as I studied Japanese management at Sophia University in Tokyo was the case of the empty soap box, which happened in one of Japan's biggest cosmetic companies. The company received a complaint that a customer had bought a box of soap that was empty. It immediately isolated the problem to the assembly line, which transported all the packaged boxes of soap to the delivery department. For some reason, one soap box went through the assembly line empty.

Management tasked its engineers to solve the problem. Post-haste, the engineers worked hard to devise an X-ray machine with high-resolution monitors manned by two to ensure they were not empty. No doubt, they worked hard and they worked fast. But a rank-and-file employee that was posed the same problem came out with another solution. He bought a strong industrial electrical fan and pointed it at the assembly line. He switched the fan on, an as each soap box passed the fan, it simply blew the empty boxes out of the line. Clearly, the engineers worked hard, but the rank-and-file employee worked smart. So what's better than merely working hard? It's working smart. Having said that, it is still important to work hard. If you could combine both working hard an working smart, you would possess a major factor toward success.

What's better than dreaming big?

I will bet my next month's salary that many have encouraged you to dream big. Maybe even to reach for the stars and aim high. I sure heard that about a million times right before I graduated from this university. So I did. I did dream big. I did aim high. I did reach for the stars. No doubt, it works. In fact, the saying is true "If you aim for nothing, that's exactly what you'll hit: nothing."

But there's something better than dreaming big. Believe me, I got shocked myself. And I learned it from the biggest dreamer of all time Walt Disney.

When it comes to dreaming big. Walt is the man. No bigger dreams were fulfilled than his. Every leadership book describes him as the ultimate dreamer. In fact, the principle of dreaming and achieving is the core message of the Disney hit son, "When You Wish Upon a Star". "When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are; anything your heart desires will come to you. If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme. When you wish upon a star, as dreamers do," as Jiminy Cricket sang.

But is that what he preached in Disney company? Dream? Imagineering...Well, not exactly. Kind of , but not quite. The problem with dreaming is if that's all you do, you'll really get nowhere. In fact, you may just fall asleep and never wake up. The secret to Disney's success is not just dreaming, it's IMAGINEERING.
You won't find this word in a dictionary. It's purely a Disney word. Those who engage in Imagineering are called imaginers. The word combines the words "imagination" and "engineering". In the book " Imaginers," Disney's CEO, Michael Eisner, claims that "imaginers turn impossible dreams into real magic." Walt Disney explained there is really no secret to this approach. They just keep moving forward-opening new doors and doing new things, because they are curious. And it is this curiosity that leads them down new paths. They always dream, explore and experiment. In short, Imagineering is the blending of creative imagination and technical know-how.

Eiser expouns on this thought by saying that "Not only re imaginers curious, they are courageous, outrageous, and this creativity is contagious." The big difference with imaginers is that they dream an then they DO ! So don't just be a dreamer, be an imagineer. What's better than vision ?

You must have all been given a lecture at one time or another about the importance of having a vision. Even leadership expert John Maxwell says that an indispensable quality of a leader is to have a vision. It is also very clear that Without vision, people perish."
So no doubt about it, having a vision is important to success. But surprise! There's something more potent than a vision. It's a CAUSE. If all you're doing is trying to reach your vision an you're pitted against someone fighting for a cause, chances are you'll lose. The Vietnam War is a classic example. Literally with sticks and stones, the Viet Cong beat the heavily armed US Army to surrender, primarily because the US has a vision to win the war, but the Vietnamese were fighting for a cause.

In the realm of business, many leaders have visions of making their company No. 1, or grabbing market share, or forever increasing profits.

Nothing really wrong with that vision, but take the example of Sony founder Akio Morita. He did not just have a vision to build the biggest electronics company in the world. In his biography, " Made in Japan" he reveals that the real reason he set up Sony was to help rebuild his country, which had just been bettered by war. He had a cause he was fighting for. His vision to be an electronics giant was secondary. What's the difference between a vision and a cause? Here's what sets them apart.
* No one is wiling to die for a vision. People will die for a cause.
* You possess a vision. A cause possesses you.
* A vision lies in your hands. A cause lies in your heart.
* A vision involves sacrifice. A cause involves the ultimate sacrifice.

Just a word of caution. You must have the right vision, and you must be fighting for the right cause. In the end, right will always win out.

It may take time, and it may take long. But if you have the right vision and are fighting for the right cause, you will prevail. If not, no matter how sincere you are, if you are not fighting for what is right, you will ultimately fail.

It is said : "To whom much is given, much is required."

Having been given the opportunity to study in UP, no doubt, much has been given to you in terms of an excellent education. Don't forget that in return, much is now required of you to use that education not just for yourself, but for others. And as you move up and start reaching the pinnacle of success, even more will be required of you to look at the welfare of others, of society and of the country.

A final review :

What's better than focusing on the negative? Focus on the positive

What's better than working hard? Its working smart

What's better than doing something for yourself? Doing something for your country

What's better than a vision? A cause

[This speech was delivered during the commencement exercises of the University of Philippines graduating class of 2003 by Mr. Butch Jimenez, the youngest commencement speaker in the university's history. He once dreamed of doing so, and it came true!!! Students wished they had a pencil or paper to jot down notes during the speech; some even wished they have a tape recorder. Some members of the faculty found his speech practical, refreshing and funny.

Butch Jimenez, head of PLDT's media and strategic communications department, delivered this speech at the UP Diliman Class 2003 commencement exercises.]

Touch True Story within "Tuesday with Morrie"

Tuesday with Morrie is a story of the author himself about life lessons that he got from his dying professor called Morrie. This book tells the Tuesday experience of the author that changed his vision of human being. I read the original version of this book and I astonished.

This book contains most of the acceptance of many things. However, in my mind, the basic point of this book is about sincere and human dignity. Read it perhaps a hit treatment for human being when they will not release themselves from the life entrapment.

The way of the author wrote his book very exciting. He wrote two period plots to give holistic view of the story as back and forth frequently. He used simple diction and it brings the emotion get the climax point just right at the end of story. It is figured the author cried at the he went to Morrie’s funeral whereas he never did it as long as his “Tuesday lessons” and disposed to argue his professor. Moreover, just at the last page, unconsciously my tear melted on my cheeks. Touched....

*Picture captured from http://www.randomhouse.com/

Book's Data
Title : Tuesday with Morrie: an old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson
Genre : Inspirational Nonfiction
Author: Mitch Albom
Publ. : Broadway Books
Pages : 208


The Sun Poem

[by Bruce Petterson]

The sun in the morning.
Like a protective mother
she rises and brings warmth to everything she touches.
Artists try to harness her beauty,
scientists study to find her secrets.
Every being feels more alive when she is there
sad when she is shrouded by a cloud.
She leaves each day with a promise to return
that is never broken.

Just want to say that the poem is so touchy.


Mentari I

Mentari menyala di sini
di sini, di dalam hatiku
gemuruhnya sampai di sini
di sini, di urat darahku

Meskipun tembok yang tinggi mengurungku
berlapis pagar duri sekitarku
tak satupun yang mampu menghalangiku
menyala di dalam hatiku

Hari ini hari ini hari milikku
juga esok masih terbentang
dan mentari kan tetap menyala
di sini di dalam hatiku

Mentari II

Kulihat di sana
sinarmu merekah

Berikanlah cahayamu
bagi negeriku

Dengarlah suara
seruan rakyatmu
tertindas terbelenggu
menanti tanganmu

Berikanlah cahayamu
bagi negeriku

Those are songs I learnt from OSKM 2001 when I enrolled this institution. I cannot explain why I love these song a lot. I guess the lyrics touch my heart. A spirit to keep fight is clearly described at Mentari I. There is no obstacles should stop our step forward. Spirit flows through my veins. I am the sun itself.

Mentari II is my favorite. It has deep meaning and every time I sing it as if I promise to myself to do something with this country. This song always remind me how trapped we are within the calamities. Moreover, I keep thinking how to give something for people since I feel I was born to do something special: for human being, this country, even universe. I am the sun for universe.

Two songs that inspire me much and it keep me to think about future of universe I want to shape. And the question now is “how”.

Tuhan Sembilan Senti

[by Taufiq Ismail]

Indonesia adalah sorga luar biasa ramah bagi perokok,
tapi tempat siksa tak tertahankan bagi orang yang tak merokok,

Di sawah petani merokok, di pabrik pekerja merokok,
di kantor pegawai merokok,di kabinet menteri merokok,
di reses parlemen anggota DPR merokok,
di Mahkamah Agung yang bergaun toga merokok,
hansip-bintara-perwira nongkrong merokok,
di perkebunan pemetik buah kopi merokok,
di perahu nelayan penjaring ikan merokok,
di pabrik petasan pemilik modalnya merokok,
di pekuburan sebelum masuk kubur orang merokok,

Indonesia adalah semacam firdaus-jannatu-na'im sangat ramah bagi perokok,
tapi tempat siksa kubur hidup-hidup bagi orang yang tak merokok,

Di balik pagar SMU murid-murid mencuri-curi merokok,
di ruang kepala sekolah ada guru merokok,
di kampus mahasiswa merokok,
di ruang kuliah dosen merokok,
di rapat POMG orang tua murid merokok,
di perpustakaan kecamatan ada siswa bertanya
apakah ada buku tuntunan cara merokok,

Di angkot Kijang penumpang merokok,
di bis kota sumpek yang berdiri yang duduk orang bertanding merokok,
di loket penjualan karcis orang merokok,
di kereta api penuh sesak orang festival merokok,
di kapal penyeberangan antar pulau penumpang merokok,
di andong Yogya kusirnya merokok,
sampai kabarnya kuda andong minta diajari pula merokok,

Negeri kita ini sungguh nirwana
kayangan para dewa-dewa bagi perokok,
tapi tempat cobaan sangat berat
bagi orang yang tak merokok,

Rokok telah menjadi dewa, berhala, tuhan baru,
diam-diam menguasai kita,

Di pasar orang merokok,
di warung Tegal pengunjung merokok,
di restoran di toko buku orang merokok,
di kafe di diskotik para pengunjung merokok,

Bercakap-cakap kita jarak setengah meter
tak tertahankan asap rokok,
bayangkan isteri-isteri yang bertahun-tahun
menderita di kamar tidur
ketika melayani para suami yang bau mulut
dan hidungnya mirip asbak rokok,

Duduk kita di tepi tempat tidur ketika dua orang bergumul
saling menularkan HIV-AIDS sesamanya,
tapi kita tidak ketularan penyakitnya.
Duduk kita disebelah orang yang dengan cueknya
mengepulkan asap rokok di kantor atau di stopan bus,
kita ketularan penyakitnya.
Nikotin lebih jahat penularannya
ketimbang HIV-AIDS,

Indonesia adalah sorga kultur pengembangbiakan nikotin paling subur di dunia,
dan kita yang tak langsung menghirup sekali pun asap tembakau itu,
Bisa ketularan kena

Di puskesmas pedesaan orang kampung merokok,
di apotik yang antri obat merokok,
di panti pijat tamu-tamu disilahkan merokok,
di ruang tunggu dokter pasien merokok,
dan ada juga dokter-dokter merokok,

Istirahat main tenis orang merokok,
di pinggir lapangan voli orang merokok,
menyandang raket badminton orang merokok,
pemain bola PSSI sembunyi-sembunyi merokok,
panitia pertandingan balap mobil,
pertandingan bulutangkis,
turnamen sepakbola
mengemis-ngemis mencium kaki sponsor perusahaan rokok,

Di kamar kecil 12 meter kubik,
sambil 'ek-'ek orang goblok merokok,
di dalam lift gedung 15 tingkat
dengan tak acuh orang goblok merokok,
di ruang sidang ber-AC penuh,
dengan cueknya,
pakai dasi,
orang-orang goblok merokok,

Indonesia adalah semacam firdaus-jannatu-na'im
sangat ramah bagi orang perokok,
tapi tempat siksa kubur hidup-hidup
bagi orang yang tak merokok,

Rokok telah menjadi dewa, berhala, tuhan baru,
diam-diam menguasai kita,

Di sebuah ruang sidang ber-AC penuh,
duduk sejumlah ulama terhormat merujuk
kitab kuning dan mempersiapkan sejumlah fatwa.
Mereka ulama ahli hisap.
Haasaba, yuhaasibu, hisaaban.
Bukan ahli hisab ilmu falak,
tapi ahli hisap rokok.
Di antara jari telunjuk dan jari tengah mereka
terselip berhala-berhala kecil,
sembilan senti panjangnya, putih warnanya,
ke mana-mana dibawa dengan setia,
satu kantong dengan kalung tasbih 99 butirnya,

Mengintip kita dari balik jendela ruang sidang,
tampak kebanyakan mereka
memegang rokok dengan tangan kanan,
cuma sedikit yang memegang dengan tangan kiri.
Inikah gerangan pertanda
yang terbanyak kelompok ashabul yamiin
dan yang sedikit golongan ashabus syimaal?

Asap rokok mereka mengepul-ngepul di ruangan AC penuh itu.
Mamnu'ut tadkhiin, ya ustadz.
Laa tasyrabud dukhaan, ya ustadz.
Kyai, ini ruangan ber-AC penuh.
Haadzihi al ghurfati malii'atun bi mukayyafi al hawwa'i.
Kalau tak tahan,
Di luar itu sajalah merokok.
Laa taqtuluu anfusakum.

Min fadhlik, ya ustadz.
25 penyakit ada dalam khamr.
Khamr diharamkan.
15 penyakit ada dalam daging khinzir (babi).
Daging khinzir diharamkan.
4000 zat kimia beracun ada pada sebatang rokok.
Patutnya rokok diapakan?

Tak perlu dijawab sekarang, ya ustadz.
Wa yuharrimu 'alayhimul khabaaith.
Mohon ini direnungkan tenang-tenang,
karena pada zaman Rasulullah dahulu,
sudah ada alkohol,
sudah ada babi,
tapi belum ada rokok.

Jadi ini PR untuk para ulama.
Tapi jangan karena ustadz ketagihan rokok,
Lantas hukumnya jadi dimakruh-makruhkan,

Para ulama ahli hisap itu terkejut mendengar perbandingan ini.
Banyak yang diam-diam membunuh tuhan-tuhan kecil yang kepalanya berapi itu,
yaitu ujung rokok mereka.
Kini mereka berfikir.
Biarkan mereka berfikir.
Asap rokok di ruangan ber-AC itu makin pengap,
dan ada yang mulai terbatuk-batuk,

Pada saat sajak ini dibacakan malam hari ini,
sejak tadi pagi sudah 120 orang di Indonesia mati karena penyakit rokok.
Korban penyakit rokok
lebih dahsyat ketimbang korban kecelakaan lalu lintas,
lebih gawat ketimbang bencana banjir,
gempa bumi dan longsor,
cuma setingkat di bawah korban narkoba,

Pada saat sajak ini dibacakan,
berhala-berhala kecil itu sangat berkuasa di negara kita,
jutaan jumlahnya,
bersembunyi di dalam kantong baju dan celana,
dibungkus dalam kertas berwarni dan berwarna,
diiklankan dengan indah dan cerdasnya,

Tidak perlu wudhu atau tayammum menyucikan diri,
tidak perlu ruku' dan sujud untuk taqarrub pada tuhan-tuhan ini,
karena orang akan khusyuk dan fana
dalam nikmat lewat upacara menyalakan api
dan sesajen asap tuhan-tuhan ini,

beri kami kekuatan menghadapi berhala-berhala ini.

I do like this poem because it keenly asks the point of smoking rhetorically. Taufiq Ismail is able to insert his point that every space, activity, and profession might be contaminated by this dangerous activity. He used simple diction but deep enough to compel thinking clearly about how this activity originally a sin.

Actually, as far as I know, smoking has been settled as sin activity by the ulamas. Dangerous for healthy, extravagant, hell-meal-like, and disturb other are several reason for this law. When settled this law, they refer to Al-Qurán and Sunnah. Moreover, by comparing with other stuff, clearly that cigar and cigarette are dangerous. Unfortunately, most of people keep stand for law that smoking just makruh whereas there is no strong explanation for it. Tragic….


The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures.
It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth in numberless blades of grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers.
It is the same life that rocked in the ocean-cradle of birth and death, in ebb and in flow.
I feel my limbs are made glorious by the touch of this world of life. And my prides is form the life-throb of ages dancing in my blood this moment.
[Gitanjali (IV) - Rabindra Nath Tagore]

Journey of being eSTe II: Soulunited Metamorforty

Kutatap wajah di cermin, adakah ceria di wajah ini?
Ataukah telah kupoles semburat warna merah dengan sapuan awan hitam?
Kutersenyum di balik kesedihan dan kumenangis dalam topeng kegembiraan.
Masih adakah spontanitas dan keberanian ataukah telah kulumuri dia dengan image, ketakutan, dan belenggu pikiran?
Mampukah kuberhenti menodai kesucian dan menggadaikan tubuh demi kepalsuan cinta?
Masih adakah cinta sejati ataukah telah kulumuri dia dengan kebencian?
Telah lama kusembah logika sebagai tuhan, kuratapi anugrah dengan penyesalan, kugugurkan benih dengan penolakan.
Sungguh masih adakah jiwa di raga ini?
Ataukah aku telah kehilangannya?

Hingga tiba waktunya, para dewa mengutus 40 orang pembawa pesan kepadaku.
Sebuah pesan tentang kejujuran yang menguak kebenaran, sejatinya kebenaran akan menemukan jalannya sendiri untuk menguak masalah-masalah dan membebaskan seluruh
umat manusia dari segala keterikatan dunia, ruang, dan waktu.
Saat jujur maka manusiapun telanjang, polos, berani, eksotis, sensual, spontan, bebas, tulus, ikhlas, cantik, ceria, ekspresif, dan penuh cinta.
Penguasa berang, namun tak mampu mencerai-berai bahkan membelenggu jiwa 40 orang pembawa pesan karena jiwa-jiwa mereka telah menyatu dan berpindah.

Berpindah dari buruk menjadi baik, dari lalai menjadi sadar, dari penundaan menjadi segera, dari biasa menjadi luar biasa, dari benci jadi cinta, dari dendam jadi maaf, dari palsu jadi otentik, dari bohong jadi jujur, dari ragu jadi percaya, dari sombong jadi rendah hati, dari sesal jadi bersyukur, dari ribet jadi simpel, dari jelek jadi cantik, dari sampah jadi berharga, dari terpuruk jadi berdaya, dari miskin menjadi kaya, dari pikiran menuju hati.

Wahai 40 orang pembawa pesan, kini kau sempurna dalam ketidaksempurnaan.
Kini kau hidup dalam kematian. Kini kau terang dalam kegelapan.
Kini kau esa dalam keberagaman.
Kini kau ada dalam ketiadaan, karena kau pernah ada dan mengisi jiwaku.
Dan Kau Sang Pemilik dan Penguasa jiwa... SoulUnited Metamorforty.

Puisi yang dipersembahkan hamba Allah untuk 40 orang guru spiritualnya...

Jakarta, 27 April 2006

This poem shows how I used to be and how I want to be. Actually when I heard it for the first time, my body quivered as if something warm and comfy creeps into my back. Furthermore, the meaning within the poem such a big promise I pierce in my heart: a promise to be myself.

And the story begin...

How does this feeling can be explained? Something that I know, I have just spent the whole of my life on searching to understand my world. And I decide to start a new transformation. Everything should be started, and that needs courage. I am starting to create my own history....
Just wait....