
Shobar (Patience)

Friday (19/10), as the common of Muslim men, I went to do Sholat Jumát at Islamic Center in Cakranegara. That day actually was not the fun time to go out for distance to attend Sholat Jumát. Since my little brother, Firman, insisted to go there then we and Dad went there.

Sholat Jumát there was a good choice, actually. Khutbah (sermon) I heard was so impressive. It was given by Ustadz Fatah. The khutbah as if turned down the heat of that day. He talked about Shobar (patience).

I concluded the khutbah:
Shobar, in addition to sholat, are consolations for a Muslim. So, it’s important to understand both of those. Shobar consist by two components, those are shobar itself and syukur (gratefulness). And, it is not easy to get a predicate as ash-shobirin (person who has patience). There’s so many people look patience but they are not. Someone can be said as ash-shobirin if he is able to be patience for three things: be patience for the obligation, for prohibition that Allah plots on him, and be patience for the fate that Allah plots on him.

Reflecting on the khutbah, I feel still far from shobar characteristic. O Allah, please favor me Thy guidance….

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