
Competition on energy usage

I got an email this morning. The email was about the current result on competition between halls (read: on-campus student accommodations) to reduce energy usage. By Easter this year, they would announce which hall that contribute most to the reduction of energy usage.

Up now, the use of energy can be lowered until 7% compared to the baseline. What does this mean of 7%? It equals to more than 12 tonnes of CO2 has been kept out of the atmosphere.

Receiving this email, I think it is amazing how something extraordinary can be brought in a simple and fun way. A competition to contribute to the nature, it is a really, really good idea. It is not a competition for showing off skills, talents, or knowledge because they won't bring significant result. The competition is actually communicating about the habit or at least the choice of actions of someone.

In my opinion, one won't care about attempts of other people how they reduce or, in contrary, waste the energy. It is a private choice. However, this may bring the awareness to someone on his or her actions if he or she really care about the energy need. The competition like this brings the awareness that single action can be significantly influence the effect of that action.

The present for the winner may be not really interesting --a BBQ party at the winner hall--. The interesting part is actually the spirit of competition itself, and how the competitiveness affect not for single person but to the community and even to the earth. Actually, it is a competition for someone against himself, but every attempt he does will radiate a difference to his surrounding.

Interesting... Very interesting!

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