
Would it be the same?

Sometimes I think to borrow someone’s brain and insert it into my head. What for? I just want to compare things that I see, hold, taste, etc. Would those be the same? It is said that the brain receive signals through nerves arriving from the sensors. These signals are then processed throughout the central nervous system; reactions are formulated based upon reflex and learned experiences. I am curious, is it the signals I have receive would be same with other people have?

When we see blood, we've just already known it is red. However, have you thought that we say the blood is red because the others say the same? Might human brains have received different information, but because all give the same definition so just it become. I wonder what is going on if I use someone else’s brain.

If I use another brain within my head, would I taste sweet of sugar as I taste right now using my own? Would I feel another sensation when I touch something smooth or rough? Might it be I see the sky is yellow, since someone just identifies yellow is blue or on the other way I have been wrong (I don’t think that the word “wrong” is proper to describe my point but I didn’t find better word to explain it ) for the whole time unconsciously? Would be each people see, taste and feel different for something but it is defined as the same thing?

Finally, it is just curious….

Thanks to Edwards for the smileys (sorry, I didn't say before...)


Anonymous said...

If I use another brain within my head, would I taste sweet of sugar as I taste right now using my own?"

Mungkin ... : hmmm :

BTW, saya link ya bos ...

Muhammad Ilham Adhynugraha said...

@edwards: silakan aja kalau mau di link :)