
Touched story of my mate [Part II]

His story continued, “My father, he enrolled at junior high school for labor. He worked at the day as cement beater, and the afternoon he studied at school.”

“Hmm, you remind me about my parents. They also had amazing struggling of life.”

“Story of my father’s studying stopped. He’d never tasted the academic environment of university. Thank God, he got job in Telkom. That changed our life. But there’s a story before he got the job. My father’s older brother ordered him to follow the test for Telkom job opportunity. My father said okay, but strangely he was sick at the day of the test. He decided not to go. His brother said, ’You must go.’ My father answered, ’But, I’m feeling not so good.’ His brother kept asking him to go and even borrowed motorcycle from neighbor. Then my father went to the test at field. Sun shined so cruel forced him to lose his concentration but he tried as best he could. Amazingly, he passed.”

I was stunning of his story and started thinking of my path. Actually, I feel afraid sometimes because I think I do not struggle enough to face mine: too simple and does not adventure me enough.

He talked again, “My father’s story pulls my faith out to do my best, but, unfortunately, it is also easy disappear. Easy come, easy go. My mother told me, ‘When you were born, your father prepared the best thing for you: meal, stuff, cloth.’ Then, it made me really want do something to them both. I wanted to earn money and buy something to them. Want to open business.”

“So what kinds of business do you prepare?”

“My friends and I….”

[I ended the story here because the point of my mate was depicts completely. At the end his story I said, “Please, tell your father I acknowledge him for what he did. It is inspiring me a lot.” That night I learnt things. Mate, thank you for the story.]

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